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Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] Updates/mankato/threecheersforwhomakesasnvoicepanelnice

From: <contact@...>
Date: 2007-09-23

my design uses the same PCB spacing, though i put the buttons and led's above the jacks, because that made much more sense to me. so it will save the pot wiring, but maybe not the other stuff. i need to double check the horizontal spacing w/ my boards to make sure it will all fit. using the same horizontal as vertical spacing, it fits in a 5U panel.
alright, i'll do those other panels, too, but i need to bust out some DotCom stuff first.

hey scott - i'll take all those panels once you get them working. i stuffed my prog seq boards

but never wired it/powered it up - so i dont know about the aeo - but i'll take whatever you make.
i like the idea of using hole spacing ala the boards - but i dont really care i'll wire it up.
same with gate seq - i have it finished just no panel - i have messed around in fpe for differnt
ideas - but im terrified of paying money to get something made when i know i didnt line the holes
up right (to match ken's board placement of pots/switches/ etc) 

the sn-voice is really sweet - but yeah dont make one unless some other people want the panel.
it's really a cool unit though - and i got two boards for it - so would take 2? why dont u just go buy one

i have the chips for the polivoks vcf would love a panel for it too - m bareille has some great designs up
i've made the ds7 but made my own panel (old CD labels printed and epoxied onto old motm panels
i messed up)

the super controller is an old thomas henry design using the ti complex sound generator chip - it's
a LFO, gate delay, sample n hold, noise source all off the chip. sort of a compliment to the dark star chaos,
sn-voice, whatever. i'm sexually attracted to the chip in question 


On Sep 22, 2007, at 4:26 AM, Scott Deyo wrote:

I've got some of those panels designed but waiting. 
I have a weighted random switch/ analog switch matrix panel, and the programmer/ sequencer (just need to decide what size to make some of the holes, and whether to include the aeo or whatever, which no one has been able to get working).

if others are interested in the SN-voice, lemme know. one-offs get pretty expensive because of the silkscreen mylar proof setup fee, but i've been getting better at getting multiple silkscreens on one proof. also, the more designs i have the more panels i can get with one punch-pattern from the metal guys, which also brings down the price. for example, i was able to get the Oakley ADSR, MFOS ADSR and CGS Tube VCA all with the same pattern of holes.

other panels people may want to think about: 
the polivoks filter and other stuff at fr/synth. htm

what's the super controller? i'm so out of the loop on the cool stuff! example: i just recently heard about the mankato filter whilst designing my own multi-phase vclfo, trying to make it do better sine waves... well, i don't have to waste any more time on that! :)

Scott Deyo
The Bridechamber
www.bridechamber. com

On Sep 21, 2007, at 9:55 PM, david wright wrote:

 On Sep 21, 2007, at 7:20 PM, <contact@bridechambe> 

 > Sir,
 > Please take this newsgroup seriously, and never, EVER disrespect my 
 > balls again.

 hey sorry list - scott and i write back about each others balls all 
 the time - its nothing weird
 i just didn't mean to post it to the group - unless this is that kind 
 of list?

 suit-tie guy that panel looks really cool - real nice - i am too fat 
 to use 1/8" frak format
 and it's white! everything has to be black for me ^∗^

 hey is anyone out there going to make a panel for thomas henry's 
 really awesome sn-voice?
 i have one behind a really ugly 4U panel with all the ins/outs and a 
 suboctive generator that
 harry bissell made me - i think it could get by in a 2u! also i 
 picked up a thomas henry super controller
 board from fonik on the electro-music site - anyone else? would love 
 a nice panel - or i'm gona
 break down and fpe! :) also cgs programer sequencer, cgs gate 
 sequencer w/ cv addon+dip banks,
 cgs weighted random switch - what's the big hold up - i mean serious

 we're gearin her up to start a new wave band in 10 years - we just 
 keep night of the comet on tivo
 on repeat right by her crib


 > At least not publicly ;p
 > Cheers, and congrats on the bambina!
 > Three cheers for the progeny of the D!
 > Hail,
 > Scott


dave wright
www.notbreathing. com