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Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] Updates/mankato/threecheersforwhomakesasnvoicepanelnice

From: david wright <bastardita@...>
Date: 2007-09-22

suit & tie guy - yo! the panel looks real good! i wont say i don't
know the person, but
i know some really sketchy and shady people. i haven't used
livejournal in years and don't recognize name!

john- thanks! i hear your an 8" tape guy if you know what i
mean ;) ! when is jabba the hut
gonna make a big RF/Antenna Jack only modular?! hey i want pcbs from
the things in
this 21st century synth book!

everyone - hey i figure you guys are into this kind of stuff. i just
got this M3 Semiconductor
analyzer for my birthday! holy nice! you guys gota get one - it is
the best!

its some macgyver sh stuff!


On Sep 21, 2007, at 8:24 PM, John Mahoney wrote:

> At 10:55 PM 9/21/2007, david wright wrote:
> >... i am too fat
> >to use 1/8" frak format
> >and it's white! everything has to be black for me ^∗^
> Looks white but it's actually bare aluminum with black markings. Does
> look cool, but I'm a 1/4" guy, myself. (Hey, no wisecracks!)
> Congrats on the baby, Dave! Certainly news to me.
> Right, then, back to Dr. Who on the DVR. A Dalek episode cued up...
> --
> john

dave wright