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Subject: upload: design for dual CGS Cynare

From: Jeffrey Pontius <jpont@...>
Date: 2004-03-06

Because I have 1 of 2 of Ken Stone's CGS Cynare pcb's working and mounted
onto a front panel, I thought I would post a Schaeffer 2U motm size front
panel design in the CGS subdirectory (cgs.dualcynare2U.fpd). The design
is only motm style like in the locations of the 2 sets of sockets at the
bottom of the panel. Otherwise, it was 'stuff pots and switches into 2U
while still enabling finger ergonomics' approach. Some features:

POTS: impact (the cut at IL on the pcb), decay, damper, filter freq
(for some reason I labelled it "vcf freq"?), vcf env, vcf res, tone (which
Ken labels as noise/shimmer balance).
Minimal pot tick marks - just for gross orientation.
Pot holes are for Xicon/Alpha 16mm pots (e.g., Mouser: ME313-1000-xxx or
31JNxxx). Spectrols would fit with larger pot holes (didn't see a need
for these on this module). I think the Bourns "big blue body" pots would
make things too croweded.

SWITCHES: 2 switches: one switch for selection of vcf to follow vca (or
the opposite) - Ken provides a nice diagram on how to wire this switch.
One switch for selection of filter HP, BP, LP - this is not a rotary
switch. Holes are for NKK (though I used the baton handle types because
of requiring the vcf/vca switch). BTW you can purchase nice rubber handle
covers from Mouser that make using baton handles more comfortable. If you
are interested, ask me and I'll send you one of the Mouser numbers.

SOCKETS: trigger, sustain, vcf cv, audio out. SWitchcraft 112A.

Comments appreciated. The Cynare has a wide range of audio possibilities
that extend well past just cymbal/snare similarities.