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Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] SN-Voice Panel Question

From: Scott Deyo <contact@...>
Date: 2009-12-29

There's a discrepancy between the schems and BOM for the SN voice. I don't think it matters whether you use 10k or 100k for the output attenuator, though, since I leave that off my panel, it does matter and I'll send a 100k to you right away. 

Scott Deyo
The Bridechamber
Jealous Edison Record Kompany

On Dec 27, 2009, at 12:40 PM, krelnarb wrote:

A question to anyone who's built the SN-Voice Bridechamber kit. OK, this is my final push to finish this SN-Voice and I'm befuddled on the placement of a couple of these pots. All the pots (100K & 1M) are in place except:

On the panel wiring sheet there's PULSE/NOISE VOLUME (10K), VC NOISE INIT (100K) and VC NOISE ATTEN. (100K) On the panel there's NOISE FREQ and NOISE FREQ CV. I have a 10K and a 100K pot left. Which one goes to which?

Or is there another wiring document for this kit I don't know about? despair

Thanks in advance for any help what so ever.