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Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] Re: Living VCO

From: Scott K Warren <scott@...>
Date: 2009-08-13

I also vote for a big layout with verniers and big pots. I want the
stupidly-large 7U design too!

Seriously, full-MOTM-size knobs are the only way to go.

My two cents,


Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 13, 2009, at 11:50 AM, "adaaxs" <wonggster@...> wrote:

> It looks like I am about to get on the short bus with the Ills.
> One of the most important parts of the synthi type oscillator is the
> interactive tuneability unlike any 3 oscillator network. Room to
> set the parameters is a good thing and multiturn verniers and 24 mm
> pots across the panel is they type of room I would invest in .
> gino
>> It seems to Will and I that the only real advantage, aside from
>> less expense, of building the LVCO without vernier (counting) dials
>> appears to be taking up a little less space - we found counting
>> dials that are only a little bigger than the standard MOTM TYCOs.
>> But taking up less space looks to us like it isn't very useful
>> because, assuming you include all of them, we can't see a way to
>> possibly fit the controls into fewer than 4 Units.
>> The big advantage of the verniers, of course, is the counting. The
>> intended Frequency pots are fancy, 10-turn units, and we figure it
>> will be good to have a read-out of the turn.
>> The four-unit LVCO panel assumes really, really dinky pots for a
>> bunch of the other controls. If you want to avoid the super-dinky
>> pots, you move into the 5-Unit design which uses the semi-dinky
>> knobs - the ones that appear on lots of Tellun designs. Then
>> there's no real reason to use the small counting dials 'cause
>> there's space for the bigger ones.
>> But then there's the completely stupid 7U design... ahem...
>> <shuffles his feet> <looks at the ceiling>
>> We ordered up verniers from Mouser a few days ago... so maybe this
>> note is just the beginning of a huge rationalization for allowing
>> my OCD to run rampant as we stagger toward implementing the 7U
>> design.
>> <shrug>
>> --- In, Jeff Laity <synthetic@>
>> wrote:
>>> Any update on this panel? I vote for a version without verniers if
>>> possible.
>>> On Jun 1, 2009, at 9:30 PM, Scott Deyo wrote:
>>>> I'm doing something, but I'm not sure what yet. Maybe a poll will
>>>> happen, but not for a little while yet....
>>>> Scott Deyo
>>>> The Bridechamber
>>>> contact@
>>>> Jealous Edison Record Kompany
>>>> On May 29, 2009, at 7:24 AM, Jan-Ahrent Czmok wrote:
>>>>> On 27.05.2009, at 04:18, Scott Deyo wrote:
>>>>>> The 'ills have some designs they've been working on:
>>>>>> Scott Deyo
>>>>> Will you do a panel run for this design ? i got the living vco kit
>>>>> with the verniers and really like the design..
>>>>> --jan
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