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Subject: Milton monster sequencer - feedback requested

From: "elle_webb" <elle_webb@...>
Date: 2003-06-23

The Milton sequencer looks like it will be a very interesting
project, and a great complement to the USeq.

If you're not familiar with the Milton, you can find info on it here:

It's a 4-bank, 16-stage analog sequencer.

A preliminary MOTM-style panel for it is in the files area, under
panel proposals - Milton Sequencer. I'd appreciate any suggestions
you may have. If we can get a design that will work for several
people, Stooge panels would probably be a cheaper route than
Schaeffer (about $200!).

Two other panel designs are there. These are for two modules that
would be entirely optional, but could add a lot of capabilities to
the Milton.

My thought is that if I'm going to spend the money to build a
powerful analog sequencer, I might as well go whole hog...

CGS Seq Switch
The CGS Seq Switch panel is for Ken Stone's Sequential Switch:

This module can be used as a 8-stage sequencer, but also can be used
to sequence between 8 inputs. Using this with the Milton, one should
be able to create longer sequences, such as 32 or 64 steps.

For example:
∗ Milton A output into 1st CGS Switch input
∗ Milton B output into 2nd CGS Switch input
∗ Milton step 1 gate out into CGS clock in

This would alternate the CGS Switch output between the first Milton
bank & the second. Using the modules together should allow for a lot
of flexibility in sequence length.

Milton Gate Bus
The second panel, Milton Gate Bus, brings out the unused gate busses
on the 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Milton bank boards. I'm thinking about buying
an extra bank board to allow 4 total on the expander panel. The
Milton supports up to 15 banks. The extra bank board is $15, so the
cost here is basically panel components.

The gate panel would give you 8, 16-stage gate busses. These could be
used to create rhythmic trigger combinations. They could also be used
to create long, syncopated rhythms with the main sequencer.

Using these modules together would allow a great deal of flexibility,
along with full hands-on interactivity.

As I mentioned, I'm interested in getting Stooge panels made up -
they'd be attractive, and they'd probably be cheaper than Shaeffer
if several people ordered. The next panel order is months away, which
allows time for a lot of discussion and experimentation with the

Any suggestion or feedback is appreciated!