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Subject: Re: LPG's

From: "mathroutine" <mathroutine@...>
Date: 2008-12-22

> What solder type are you using? And was it problem
> with flow or size of the joints you had to solder?
> The more specifics the better in case a new run
> happens.
> Thomas

Hi Thomas,

we were chatting a bit on electromusic about this. I used both kester
no clean, and water washable, and it was a problem with getting the
solder to adhere to the pad.

To play devil's advocate, my technique got better after I did these
boards so quite possible it was my fault, but I will say when I
returned to them to try to resolder some of the sketchy joints, no
matter what I tried I still had the problem - including adding more
flux or cleaning off and lightly sanding the pad.

The small pads are not the end of the world for me, I don't mind that.