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Subject: Re: Klee panel - knobs vs sliders

From: "sduck409" <sduck409@...>
Date: 2008-05-20

I think it's a trade-off either way - both choices have pros and cons.
You make your choice. Or build one of each. I'm going with knobs, but
faders are great too.

Sure, I've got a 8u motm (sort of) panel worked up mostly - it's based
on the one from your web page though. Although it'll work, I'm not
terribly happy with it, and have visions of rotary klee knobs ala
Thomas White's sequencer. Thomas hasn't started work on his yet, but
gave me permission to mod his design, which was nice, although I
probably would have anyway. Having some sort of rotary design in 6u is
a lot more appealing to me than the straight line 8u. Or some sort of
8x8 ovoid pattern - got to get working on this.

--- In, "wjhall11" <wjhall@...> wrote:
> You know - it strikes me that aside from whatever visual-clue
> advantages there may be to sliders and longevity advantages there my
> be to knobs, there are probably panel design issues too. Knobs take
> up less room vertically, and sliders less horizontally - make sense?
> So I wonder how this would ultimately affect panel design. I wonder
> which would make more overall sense in a MOTM-style panel. Or maybe
> there's no particular advantage one way or the other. Ideas?
> Are there some MOTM designs out there?
> Bill (& Will)