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Subject: Re: The MOTM gig experience & synth porgrammer

From: improv@...)
Date: 1999-07-18

>From: "J. Larry Hendry" <jlarryh@...>
>From: improv@... (Dave Trenkel)
>> And there are certain other Doepfer aspects
>> that I like, for instance, the oscillators have
>> a rotary switch to set the octave.
>I have to agree with your on this one Dave. When I did gig with an anaolg
>lead synth a few years ago (Korg 770), I did appreciate the # 1 oscillator
>having a rotary switch for oscillator selection. It seems to me that this
>would be an easy modification for MOTM if you wanted one of your
>oscillators to have this feature.

Sounds like a cool idea (hey, if D. Doepfer can do it, Paul can probably do
it better :-)). I agree that I wouldn't want all of my Osc's like this, but
one or 2 that were meant for more "musical" usages would be cool. Of course
this sort of mod is beyond my minimal electronics skills at this point...

Dave Trenkel : improv@... :

"...there will come a day when you won't have to use
gasoline. You'd simply take a cassette and put it in
your car, let it run. You'd have to have the proper
type of music. Like you take two sticks, put 'em
together, make fire. You take some notes and rub 'em
together - dum, dum, dum, dum - fire, cosmic fire."
-Sun Ra