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Subject: Re: [motm] Re: Guitar and the 700

From: Thomas Hudson <thudson@...>
Date: 2000-09-07

Andy Miller wrote:
> Being EE illiterate, why do you put the guitar into a compressor or
> pre-amp first? What is a compressor? Can you put the guitar
> directly into the 700?

You need to boost the signal of a guitar. A compressor tends to
give a guitar more sustain, which is nice in this patch. I
was using a Chandler Tube Driver, which can also increase sustain.

> I know all this has to do with voltage levels (I think).

Yes. The output of a guitar is in millivolts. MOTM wants to
see something more like 10 volts peak to peak. However, in the
case of the 700, we only enough voltage to swing the comparator
so a line level signal is strong enough.
