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Subject: Re: [motm] For all the woodchucks out there

From: "J. Larry Hendry" <jlarryh@...>
Date: 2000-08-06

> From: Paul Schreiber <synth1@...>
> 2) If you are planning a cabinet that holds over 22 MOTM
> modules, then I ∗strongly∗ suggest getting a larger supply.
> I suggest the Power One model HBB15-1.5-A. It is 1"
> larger in all 3 dimensions, but can power twice as
> many modules.

> Available from Newark, Allied, etc. Surplus ones pop-up
> here and there as well.

Ditto. I have three of the Power one supplies, two of which are the one
Paul lists above Several of us have purchased these supplies surplus for
$20 each.

> 3) If you plan to use multiple 900PCB boards in a system, the
∗best way∗ is to run 16ga. wire from ∗each∗ board back to
the Power One. They way ∗I∗ would do it is get a "barrier strip"
and connect the Power One to it. Then, run wires from the
900PCBs to the strip. ∗I∗ would use crimp terminals like what
comes with the wire set in the MOTM-900. These terminals
are at any hardware store. Crimping tools are cheap, too (like $6).

This is exactly how I do mine, barrier strip and all. I have offered before
and will offer again to send FREE case-size lengths of 14 guage utility
grade wire to any MOTMer for this use. We use MILES of this stuff at work,
and pieces 10-15 foot are simply trash at work, but great for home. When
wiring control panels at work, our wiremen do crimp everything. At home, I
solder the wire in the terminals (anal-retentive stooge stuff).

For those that are truly anal-retentive and want to have a MOATS (mother of
all terminal strips). I occasionally get my hands on these used too. They
are not your Radio Shack stuff, but are about 2" X 8" with 10 terminal on
each side. We use them at work for 130 volts DC and they have about a # 10
screw that even "Larry the mad torquer" could not strip out.

Larry Hendry