Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: MOTM
Subject: For all the woodchucks out there
From: "Paul Schreiber" <synth1@...>
Date: 2000-08-06
1) The 8-32 x 1/4 black screws that are used with flat rails are here!
2) If you are planning a cabinet that holds over 22 MOTM modules, then I
∗strongly∗ suggest getting a larger supply. I suggest the Power One model
HBB15-1.5-A. It is 1" larger in all 3 dimensions, but can power twice as
Available from Neward, Allied, etc. Surplus ones pop-up here and there as
I will sell them for $69 if you can't find them.
Also, you will need a bigger fuse (duh!) in the fuseholder.
3) If you plan to use multiple 900PCB boards in a system, the ∗best way∗ is
to run
16ga. wire from ∗each∗ board back to the Power One. They way ∗I∗ would do it
is get a "barrier strip"
and connect the Power One to it. Then, run wires from the 900PCBs to the
strip. ∗I∗ would use crimp
terminals like what comes with the wire set in the MOTM-900. These terminals
are at any hardware
store. Crimping tools are cheap, too (like $6).
If you ∗insist∗ on daisy-chaining using PWR-20 jumper in-between the
900PCBs, then place the
current-sucking modules (VCOs, etc) in the board ∗NEAREST∗ the Power One.
Put low current stuff like
EGs in the "away" board(s).
Paul S.