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Subject: Re: [motm] Quantizer in the works?

From: jwbarlow@...
Date: 2000-08-06

In a message dated 8/5/2000 4:56:41 PM, davevosh@... writes:

>i could be easily wrong here but wasn`t a quanitizer supposed to be part
>the upcoming "mother of all sequencers" ?

Who knows what's really going on? I do seem to remember that MOAS is gone,
DoMOAS is way off in the distance, and I believe two or three months ago
there was an initial ping about a ("simple") semitone quantizer -- Stooges
like me jumped in and started requesting it be programmable to diatonic,
pentatonic modes, and microtonal temperaments. This was followed by a lengthy
silence which ended earlier today.