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Subject: Re: [motm] Re: lag as EF

From: alt-mode <alt_mode@...>
Date: 2000-07-20

I think it would be an AR triggered from the input but it would not produce a
contour comparable to the input. Many envelope followers generate an output
following the input contour or envelope (hence the term "envelope follower") and a
trigger/gate based on a threshold for the input. Of course, depending on the input
frequency response of the lag, you might get some very interesting outputs at low
settings due to the AC nature of the input... Something I'll have to try out.


--- elhardt@... wrote:
> I wrote:
> > Well I could be wrong, but once the Lag Processor is available, won't you
> > have the makings of an envelope follower?
> perpetual@... writes:
> >>enh? do enlighten...<<
> I thought somebody else would chime in before I got back to this. I would
> assume if you run a guitar or mic or any other audio source into the lag
> processor, then connect the lag processors output to whatever CV destination
> you want to control, that is basically an envelope follower.

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