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Subject: RE: [motm] Mixer thoughts

From: "Brousseau, Paul E (Paul)" <noise@...>
Date: 2000-07-19

Nah, gimme one that does both. That would, if I understand correctly, be
able to handle DC-offsets to AC signals without cause for alarm. Or, would
you be able to handle DC offset with a normal AC mixer...? At the very
least, you could send a sharp spike (like the output of a fast-attack EG)
into a DC offset signal. I think...? (Brain hurts, time to get off


> -----Original Message-----
> From:J. Larry Hendry [SMTP:jlarryh@...]
> Sent:Tuesday, July 18, 2000 5:23 PM
> Subject:Re: [motm] Mixer thoughts
> Well, since the MOTM module design already centers around AC mixers on the
> inputs, why not make the killer DC mixer for now and the killer AC mixer
> later? Would it be such a shame to have two?
> Just another thought to add to the "different ways to go" list.