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Subject: Re: [motm] Some news

From: Nathan Alan Hunsicker <nate@...>
Date: 2000-07-01

Does the Envelope follower provide an envelope equivalent to the audio
being processed or does it just produce a gate? I think the function of
an EF is to mimic the envelope of an incoming signal, (I'm not all that
familiar with them either.) An EG wouldn't be necessary unless you
wanted to produce an envelope dissimilar to the incoming audio. The
preamp may be needed to boost an instrument level to acceptable levels,
but what about processing another synth signal or that generated by a
VCA? The amp and EF modules will prove useful but would be of greater
use as 2 separate modules in the case that you would want to boost a
inst. level up to run through a filter or to modulate a VCO. -Nate

"J. Larry Hendry" wrote:

> >From: Nathan Alan Hunsicker <nate@...>
> I'd like to see the MOTM equivalent be broken into separate
> modules (and I think this is Paul's plan), a separate instrument
> preamp, envelope follower and envelope generator all prove
> useful in this one situation, but who wants to buy 3 preamps
> just because they want 3 envelope followers. I'm in favor of making
> modules as "modular" as possible.
> ----
> I don't disagree with that line of thinking at all Nate. I think the
> module has only two functions: preamp and envelope
> follower. You would need a separate EG. And, if I am seeing this
> right,
> the preamp is kind of needed to get the right level for the envelope
> follower.
> I agree, this combination would not replace a preamp. However, (and I
> admit
> to not being too sharp on this subject) it looks like just the right
> "combination" for envelope follower.
> ----
> > The 1st modular I looked at was the paia 9700
> series. For obvious reasons I decided to go with MOTM, but one
> of the major reasons I didn't like the 9700 stuff was because
> you couldn't just buy a filter, it had to have a built in EG and LFO,
> you couldn't just buy a VCA, it had a mixer and noise source built in.
> When you break all the components down into separate modules, it
> also allows you room for more features and control. -Nate
> ----
> I agree Nate. I mean why even build a modular if you want to put it
> all in
> one module. However, John is obviously after a different price point
> customer. He must be the king of cost reduction strategy. <grin>
> Larry H
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