Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: MOTM
Subject: Re: [motm] (Gasp) Scratchy VCA pot!
From: "Paul Schreiber" <synth1@...>
Date: 2000-06-06
(Gasp) Scratchy VCA pot!The #1 reason is as follows:
When you are in the process of attaching the front panel, the first nut on
the pot(s) ∗must∗
be set so that it is touching the back side of the panel. If this is not
done (or if the pcb is not
square with respect to the bracket) what happens is that the second nut
∗pulls the wiper off the element∗
when you tighten it! This make scratches!
I will replace any pot pot for free (even if I suspect you did this :) )
You have to be ∗very careful∗ when doing this procedure.
Paul S.