Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: MOTM

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Subject: RE: [motm] advertizing pictures

From: Cary Roberts <cary.roberts@...>
Date: 2000-06-01

>It's a function of the free e-mail list service. Nothing is truly free
>online, and eGroups pays for our list by selling advertising. So unless
>someone wishes to host (and maintain!) a mailing list on a private server,
>this is the next-best thing.

I have majordomo running on my machine. It currently handles
the Analogue Heaven Off Topic list as well as a few private lists.
I'm sure Paul's hosting service can setup mailing lists. However,
most have very poor search services, if any. AH and AHOT both
have killer search engines, but these were done by a private individual
and is not available to the public. (that I know of)
