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Subject: Re: 420 Questions

From: JWBarlow@...
Date: 1999-05-15

I also remembered that the Minimoog has no provision for AM in the audio
range on the VCA, and to get audio AM one needs to modulate the filter CV
input with one of the VCOs in the audio range. So maybe you can sell the 420
as a mixer with audio AM capabilities, and as a bonus, a VC filter is thrown
in as well.

John B.

In a message dated 5/14/99 6:02:50 PM, JWBarlow@... writes:

>From: JWBarlow@...
>In a message dated 5/14/99 6:59:44 AM, synth1@... writes:
>>>Are IN1, IN2 and IN3 all routed through the filter? If so, how do you
>>>minimize the filtering to use it just as a mixer?
>>You can't ∗right now∗. There is a little opening in the panel ∗begging∗
>>a MIX OUT jack....hmmmmmm....
>I'm probably missing something here (what's new?), but can't you just use
>inputs as a mixer in the ordinary way take the Lopass output but use minimum
>Q and maximum cutoff freq. (with nothing at the CV inputs)? Wouldn't this
>a simple signal mixer of the type desired?