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Subject: Re: [motm] A very BAD day

From: "jhaible" <jhaible@...>
Date: 2000-05-12

> I-need-300MB-on-your-drive, so called programmers at Cadence have come up
> with including:

Cadence who recently swallowed Orcad (who recently swallowed Microsim ...)
Funny enough, yesterday we had a discussion at work about layout programs,
and when someone said Orcad never had a good autorouter I replied they
should have one now, as Cadence surely have brought their Spectre.
Oh well ...

> I HATE computers.

Bob Pease has a good solution in his "Troubleshoothing" book.
Especially for computers that misbehave on EDA applications.

More seriously, I wish you all the best,