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Subject: Re: 320 questions

From: "Dave Bradley" <daveb@...
Date: 1999-05-14

Sounds like an easy mod - there's plenty of panel space. Wouldn't V+ through
a pushbutton to the normalled lug on the sync jack do the trick? I might do
this mod myself, cause I like pushbuttons too.

I'm still planning on modding my 800s with manual gate buttons and gate leds
as soon as Paul ships a module with a pushbutton, so I can match the same

Dave, who needs to shut up and get some work done

> >From: "Tentochi" <tentochi@...>
> >
> >I would still like to have a button on the LFO to manually retrigger the
> >cycle. As I said before, this is excellent for live
> performance--especially
> >ambient stuff.
> You can just whack the SYNC jack.