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Subject: Re: [motm] JH's Int.Scan.

From: "thomas white" <djthomaswhite@...>
Date: 2000-04-18

I AGREE!!! This module looks sooooo tempting and I must have read the
description on JH's synthfool page about 10 times, drooling all the while! I
will place an order now as a vote in the battle. What is the word?

Thomas White

>From: revtor@...
>Subject: [motm] JH's Int.Scan.
>Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 11:19:34 EDT
>Okay Paul..
> Have you started the negotiations with JH about transforming his
>Interpolating Scanner into a MOTM module yet? It comes up in almost every
>thread it seems.
>It would be the Super I.S. MOTM'fied by Jeurgen himself for super specs
>performance.. Throw in a few bicolor leds and everyone would buy two..
>As long as Synth Tech gets the permission before some other dopy weird
>company (pun intended!) does. If its released in 2 years so be it.. get
>other modules on line done first.. Just add this one to the list!

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