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Subject: RE: [motm] New Power Supply Discussion

From: "David Bivins" <dbivins@...>
Date: 2000-04-13

> (I'm thankful for the shallow depth of MOTM modules --- I like the
> dimensions very much --- but I'm a little stumped as to why fitting the
> system into an SKB portable case is the be-all end-all of modular
> synthesizer packaging....? It seems to be a dire requirement, and I while
> it's very cool that the modules can be packaged that way, I don't
> see why it
> was a life or death industrial design restriction.)

Well, because I have one of these cases. That's the reason. I'm actually
blackmailing Paul, forcing him to adhere to MY standards :)

O.k., obviously I'm kidding.

But seriously, given the range of requirements of users, I think Ken's idea
(for the MOTM-905) is good, but I wonder why those who are building serious,
permanent cases aren't customizing the power supply configuration anyway?
Some of the early builders ∗had∗ to do this, or at least one of the Stooges
did, and I can't help but think that's ideal--then you can put everything
exactly where you want it. Just buy the PowerOne, the connectors, a
distribution board from Paul, etc. And you won't have to pay for a panel
you're not necessarily going to use. I know that if I were to build a case
today, I would be mounting the PSU in the rear, and most of the panel would
be covered anyway.

Just a thought.
