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Subject: Re: Future module vote

From: "Paul Schreiber" <synth1@...
Date: 1999-05-11

There will be 2 1U wide modules in July: a triple pre-amp (1 "guitar"
channel, 2 "synth" channels)
and an envelope follower.

A vocoder is interesting from an engineering point. Maybe next year. This
year is about
filled up!

Paul S.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Speth <johns@...>
To: MOTM List (E-mail) <>
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 11:07 AM
Subject: [motm] Future module vote

>From: John Speth <johns@...>
>Since this list can be used for voting on future modules, I'd like to list
>my wish-I-had's. One aspect of the my setup I'd like to see well developed
>is the capability to interface to external stuff. Right now it interfaces
>well to other synths but I'd like to see some modules that interface well
>to guitars, mics, drums, etc.
>So I guess that would mean I'd like to see a voltage follower, a pitch
>follower (if it's technically feasible for an MOTM format and price), and a
>vocoder. I can't think of any other others but I'll bet there are. Of
>course I'd like to see the full complement of core modules first.
>Can any one second my vote?
>John Speth
>Object Engineering, Inc
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