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Subject: Re: [motm] Purchasing decisions

From: thudson@...
Date: 2000-04-05

james holloway wrote:
> Are you accounting for any new modules in planning or development? You're
> going to end up with more than you think. Looks like a monster system as is
> though.
It is definitely changing my plans on case design. I had originally
planned on each "wing" holding two rows. But I do plan to expand over
time to include any new modules (wish list: preamp/envfol, phasor,
sequencer, math module, freq shifter, VC delay). Now I'm leaning
towards three rows per cab with the ergonomic/cool looking angles.
Of course, I'm wondering about power supply considerations. With
these four rows I'm just about at the suggested limit of a single

My dream system would be a six voice to use with the midi outs on
my Roland GR50 guitar synth; Jimi Synthix!
