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Subject: Re: [motm] algorithmic composition software - Mac?

From: alt-mode <alt_mode@...>
Date: 2000-04-03

Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated... ;)

Seriously, I've been through this with the Atari and the Mac. I started working
with music apps on the Atari because it was affordable, ready for MIDI, and had some
good software (C-Lab Notator). I did lots of good stuff with that platform but
needed more power for audio and I wanted better integration and some semblance of
multitasking. I moved to the Mac using the Opcode suite and Digidesign tools. It
was cool but I never quite clicked with Studio Vision. With my Mac aging and an
upgrade necessary to do better digital audio, I decided to move to a WinTel platform
and it has been surprisingly good. Logic Audio has roots in the C-Lab Notator code
so it was quite familiar and the linking between SoundDiver and Logic matches some
of the Opcode integration. The MOTU audio stuff works very well on either platform.

The sheer number of programmers availble for WinTel apps just makes things happen
sooner. Now the problem is that many don't want to bother porting to the Mac


--- ivancu@... wrote:
> Does anyone know of interesting software, similar to what has been discussed,
> that is for the Mac?
> What ever happened to the Mac being the cool platform for music applications?
> Looks like everything new is Windows.
> Ivan

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