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Subject: EMS Vocoder...

From: "Aaron Swihart" <aaron@...>
Date: 2000-03-16

Just a note on the topic if anyone cares.

I have stayed in touch with Robin, and here is the say on the
Vocoders. As of December of '99:

the 2000 £950
the 3000£2850
the 5000£6500

"The 2000 is in stock...there are only 8 units left. After this I
really don't know whether to do a redesign or just find a new package
for it."

"The 3000 is a bit pricey...just to get a row fo 16 channel
attenuation pots. It is assembled in Germany...usning the same
eletronics I use in the 2000."

"The 5000 is in there just for dreaming - the last time we made one
of these was in 1982. We still have the capability to make them but
would need about 50% up front"

SOOOOOOOOO.... vocoder...should I stop looking......??????
