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Subject: Big Briar/MOTM interface!

From: "thomas white" <djthomaswhite@...>
Date: 2000-02-23

Hey everybody,

Go check out and look at the CP-251 Mooger Fooger controller.
It has a noise source, four input mixer, lfo, sample and hold, lag
processor, 2 attenuators and multiple all in one small table-top module for
about $300. It looks like a perfect interface for MOTM systems, I know it's
gonna be good for mine! What do you all think and how could you guys use it
if at all? Bummer no joystick on it, Hah Hah!!!

Thomas White

PS. Also check out the new Moog lead synth coming out in July. Crazy old
wizard is back at it in full effect! When will we see the first Moog/MOTM
combo designs if ever?
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