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Subject: Re: Bob Moog and Don Buchla are dancing.

From: IvanCU@...
Date: 2000-02-06

In a message dated 2/6/2000 7:23:39 AM, Cary.Roberts@... writes:

<< The coolest analog product at NAMM (besides the Manley gear and
Urei reissues) had to be either the Alesis Andromeda or the Studio
Electronics Omega 8.>>

Studio Electronics seems to show something new every year, although I haven't
seen too much of it out in the field. Is the Alesis Andromeda a TRUE analog
including osciallators? I've never heard anything from them that had any
balls.... I'll have to check it out again.

<<I don't get the point of the Mephisto. Motorized knobs? It's a good idea
on a recording console, but just about worthless on an analog synth. And
especially when it inflates the price of the synth. >>

I like motorized controls for the same reason it is popular on recording
consoles (such as Harrison's)... because it doesn't require any compromise to
the analog circuitry. It is merely recalling what our hands do.

Of course, just my opinionated opinion. Different strokes!
