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Subject: RE: VC EGs (whiz bang? How about MoaEG)

From: "Tkacs, Ken" <Ken.Tkacs@...>
Date: 2000-02-03

>>∗ " I know several people didn't like the notion of using uP in their

This statement is interesting from a philosophical standpoint. Certainly
some people are going to fall closer to the "purist" mark than others.

For the record, my own personal opinion is that uP's behind an MOTM panel
would be fine, as long as the ∗interface∗ is still consistent with what we
all love about modulars (jacks, knobs, & switches). And of course the same
high quality parts, sound (where applicable), etc. Also, I think that if
you're going to do something with a uP, it should be a task that ∗warrants∗
a uP. If it's something that can be done with a handful of resistors &
capacitors, it's better done that way. That last goes without saying I
guess; this is starting to sound like a 'charter.'

Is there ever justification for an LED/LCD panel with increment/decrement
buttons (hopefully an data-dial instead)? Sure, I can imagine that some
complex functions really can't avoid this. And truth be known, it might be
cool to have an LED readout here and there in the rig... impresses the
in-laws. But wherever possible, I would hope that the d∗g∗t∗l nature of a
uP-based module would be "hidden" by knobs & switches.

Just my $0.02. Feel free to call me names and throw cabbage at me.