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Subject: RE: Netscape troubles!!

From: "Tkacs, Ken" <Ken.Tkacs@...>
Date: 2000-01-28

Yeah, it continually amazes me that, considering how often the Internet is
touted as being the premier technological achievement of the latter
twentieth-century, it's based on two competing browsers that have different
Object Models, and even ∗those∗ change from version to version. What a
nightmare. The Web sometimes seems like a bad dream, or a big joke.

Ken Tkacs
Webmaster, J.E. Robert Company

-----Original Message-----
From:Paul Schreiber [mailto:synth1@...]
Sent:Thursday, January 27, 2000 6:15 PM
To:MOTM listserv
Subject:[motm] Netscape troubles!!

From: "Paul Schreiber" <synth1@...>

When placing orders using the on-line form, PLEASE DO NOT

There is ∗some∗ goofy error I get: Microsoft IE5 works
perfect. Calling the
Perl police!!!

Paul S.
I ∗really∗ hate computers