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Subject: RE: Multiple Personalities

From: "Tentochi" <tentochi@...>
Date: 2000-01-27

I made a patch last Saturday evening that would be perfect to listen to
while riding the Magic Bus!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: J. Larry Hendry [mailto:jlarryh@...]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2000 8:00 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [motm] Multiple Personalities
> From: "J. Larry Hendry" <jlarryh@...>
> From: Nathan Alan Hunsicker <nate@...>
> For those of us who are unaware (me included) what is
> "Larry's Magic Bus?" I've heard it mentioned before, but
> never asked, I tried searching the archives, but it came
> up with every archive since #6 and the few i checked
> had nothing to do with this subject. -Nate
> -----------------
> From: "Dave Bradley" <daveb@...>
> I'll let Larry answer since he thought it up, and I've blabbed
> too much today already.
> ----------------
> Oh sure Dave ! Open a can of worms and then leave me to eat the damn
> things.<snicker>
> Nathan,
> Some of us on the list have decided that we want to build
> wooden cases for
> our MOTM modulars to give them that classic vintage synth look (how's that
> for avoiding the "M" word boys). The idea is that it would be nice if the
> cables that connected modules could be organized in a fashion that made
> that huge patch, neat, easily repeatable, and easy to get to all the knobs
> and controls.
> Paul was kind enough to place all the jacks along the
> bottom of the MOTM
> modules. So, the idea came about that a cool multiple would be horizontal
> instead of vertical. First, think about a 1U blank panel below
> your row of
> MOTM modules. The jack spacing is exactly equal to MOTM modules, so the
> multiple row looks almost like an extension of jacks at the bottom of the
> modules. And, the cables are very short. You could of course have a row
> like this below each row of MOTM with some connections in between
> the mults
> (behind the rack). So if you wanted to connect a modules on the
> top row to
> one on the bottom row, two short cables would be used to the
> mults directly
> below and nothing is draped all across the panel in your way of knob
> tweaking.
> Now, it does not take a genius to figure out the problem
> with this. One
> 1U panel like this would have 40 1/4 phone jacks in a 19" rack space or 96
> in the 24 Unit wide wood case that I am planning. That is simply more
> jacks than needed AND a waste of good panel space. So, I decided if that
> could be cut in half, the number of jacks would be just about
> right. So, I
> have found a nice piece of aluminum that is exactly 1/2 rack
> space tall and
> comes in 4 and 8 foot lengths available at any hardware store.
> It is three
> sided, so it is super strong and will not flex from jack pluggin'
> and such.
> It is not that neat for a rack, because then every other row of your MOTM
> is offset 1/2 space. However, for the case builders, it provides 48 jacks
> across a 24 unit, one jack directly below each jack in the MOTM modules
> above. So, a 48 unit MOTM wood case could that classic looking two rows
> high, but actually 11 rack spaces. 1/2 extra rack space below each MOTM
> row.
> I have two magic busses cut and drilled for my wood cabinet
> (which is on
> hold for now). All I have to do is locate a good paint shop to get the
> same finish Paul uses. We know what the paint is (Paul told us). Now,
> once you have all these jacks, you have more possibilities of multiples
> that one can imagine. Mine will not be grouped but distributed. For
> example, those 48 jacks could be 8 different 6-unit mults. They could be
> distributed across the strip 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
> 8, etc... with all the 1s being connected together, 2s together,
> etc. So,
> if you connect modules on the same row together, you can just jump down to
> the magic bus, again with short cables that are not stretched across the
> panels. I have replaced the metal washers with colored washers
> so that the
> colored washers indicate how the mults are connected. If you decode to
> change the grouping down the road, it is easy to change the ID on the
> front. Just change washers. Now colored washers, THAT is a whole
> different thread.
> Now let your mind wander a little further, and start thinking
> about how you
> might normalize some of these things for distributed CVs, gates, triggers
> and you realize that every module would be within short distance of the
> connections it needed. The possibilities are endless. John Barlow and I
> have discussed at LEAST 1/2 million combinations using toggles, rotary
> switches, and even push button hex coded dial thingies. Just let
> your mind
> wander.
> Enjoy.
> Larry
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