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Subject: Re: MOTM-410 question...

From: JWBarlow@...
Date: 2000-01-06

In a message dated 1/5/2000 6:53:52 PM, synth1@... writes:

>The pre-amp will boost to VCO levels. So leave it out now, and install
>VCOs arrive.

As much as I hate to disagree with Paul (all of it on this list
unfortunately), my suggestion would be to install the resistor now, AND tack
solder a wire jumper across the top of it (a resistor lead for example). When
you get more modular stuff, it will be very easy to remove the resistor
clipping without taking the bracing plate (which covers the solder side of
the PCB) off of the PCB which will require removing the front panel. This
will save you a great deal of time when you make the modification.