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Subject: Fw: Controllers for modulars

From: "Paul & Alleyne" <vulture.squadron@...
Date: 1999-11-30

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Bower <jackson@...>
To: <>
Date: 29 November 1999 22:58
Subject: Re: [motm] Controllers for modulars

>ah, it's good to be back (computer hell for the last week and a bit)
>>It's been a while since anyone's mentioned Tannerins, ribbon controllers,
>>etc. I fantasize about a knob/slider/whatever box that I can use with my
>>modular. Basically it would be a box with some big, weighted knobs (like
>>size of the rotary encoder on the Moog Source), some sliders, some
>>two or three joysticks, etc. and a bunch of CV and gate outputs on the
>>for interfacing to the modular.
>>1) Is anything like this available?
>it will be bloody soon - i knew that sexy rheostat would come in handy for
>meanwhile, i missed almost the entire discussion about the phaser - so
>here's my tuppence (anyone got change for a VCO..?) worth anyway:
>i'd much prefer a 5u panel, but market forces and all wholly understand -
>after all, more sales, means more bucks for paul, means even sexier modules
>(as you all know). i would hope however, that the final boards could be
>out in such a way that they could be relatively easily adapted to by MOTM
>users to fit on a DIY 5u panel. so long as the PCB was a similar size, we'd
>need the same mounting holes, a convenient way of interfacing with the
>MTA156 power board - and bob's yer uncle, all sides will be happy - my
>current dread is that the PCB will have to be too big (argh!!!)
>anything i missed..?
>paulb (and hey - i finally worked out how to use the #420 - it's amazing
>what you never pick up from an SH101...)