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Subject: RE: 1U tall *Modules*??!?

From: "Tkacs, Ken" <Ken.Tkacs@...
Date: 1999-11-23

Is it true that MOTM-ers will already be using racks? It sounded to me like
most of us were building custom cabinets.

A 1u x 19u wouldn't work for me personally.

As a way to make MOTM modules available to those not building complete
systems (i.e., who want a 410 as a stand-alone effect) maybe it would be
fruitful for the long run to design some kind of generic "mini-cabinet" that
could, say, hold 4u worth of modules-any MOTM modules-and had a wall-wart
supply. That would open up many MOTM modules to non MOTM-ers. They could put
two 2u modules in it, 2 1u & 1 2u, etc.

Seems to me that this would be a better long term design solution. Much more