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Subject: Re: 1U tall *Modules*??!?

From: Mark Pulver <mpulver@...
Date: 1999-11-23

Paul Schreiber (07:41 PM 11/22/1999) wrote:

>I really don't want 2 versions, and right now ∗really∗ tempted to do it as a
>1U to get possible more sales.

If you go with a 19" format, be sure to stiffen the panel so that it
doesn't flex, or, just go with a fully enclosed case.

I have a modular machine that's made up of pieces in a 19" rack format. The
flex in the middle of the panel is pretty bad. I had the modules done up so
that all the jacks are at one end, so it doesn't bother me that much.
