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Subject: Re: OT: Carvin mixer question

From: Mark Pulver <mpulver@...
Date: 1999-11-08

J. Larry Hendry (04:13 AM 11/8/1999) wrote:

>I found
>a 1644 (similar I expect on e-bay FS with a photo). So I think I now have
>an idea of what it looks like. The guy I am getting it from said it takes
>two people to move it without overdoing it. I am hoping the condition is
>at least restorable.

I think that considering the cost Larry, you'll be quite happy. :)

I used to have an old Carvin catalog around, and actually had a fold out of
a specific mixer posted up in my cube at work for a long time. I ∗think∗ it
was the 2488; I'm pretty sure it was.

btw... Carvin likes _brightly_ colored knob tops. :) Not a bad thing in
terms of knowing that you're lookin at the EQ versus the SENDs, but it can
be a bit hard on the eyes after a while.

>I'll get your knife switches out this morning I hope.

Geez dude, don't sweat it... But thanks!

And please gimme a mailing address for you!
