what a nightmare (just found 97 emails in my inbox) - that last
communication has been sat in my outbox for the past 4/5 days, and after a
bit a of dial-up problem, we're back online with the aid of a 20metre patch
cord. so to follow the lead of velure
>name: paul bower (aka mr sikorsky)
>years aged: 31 very very soon
>style of noise: generally just 50Hz mains hum, but otherwise ambienty
psychoacoustically, dubby jiggery pokery
>locale: Sheffield, England
>modules: 900 (obviously), 410, 120, 100
>favorite cheese: Port Salute
>favorite old guy on the list: why Paul of course (second that)
>best APP albums: don't know what APP is but really love that last Beastie
Boys album - I'm STILL not sick of it. Otherwise, it's the Sheffield old
skool - Cabaret Voltaire, Hula, Clock DVA, etc etc Kraftwerk, 23 Skidoo blah
favourite synth: Gould Advance PG52B Modular Pulse Generator (sorry Paul,
but purely because it began life in the RAF hooked up to a Vulcan Bomber,
and is triggerable by gate pulses...)
biggest fault: crediting cats with more intelligence than they actually have
(i mean they couldn't have built that weather machine in the cellar all by
themselves - they must have bought it from the mice)
epitaph: he was the packer of the leads
rightho, was forced to buy a midi to sync convertor by a company who's name
begins with D - and now i shall be forced to filter on the beat whilst
marvelling at the #120's cross mode - I might even be forced to patch into
the PG52, not done that yet
sorry, i'll shut up now (can you imagine a weekend without email..?)
cheers paulb