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Subject: Re: Power Supply Mounting

From: Christopher Jeris <cjeris@...
Date: 1999-10-20

> >Oh wow. I love this idea. Even better than brightly lit volt- and
> >ammeters. The only thing that would outdo this is if the LFO had a
> >nixie-tube display that counted cycles.
> Nah...
> Find an old (∗old∗!) front panel from an Altair 8080 and rig a BCD counter
> to show VCO freq in binary.

I was thinking more of the old accelerator equipment I saw on a
junior-high-school tour of Fermilab ... all these continuously running
particle counters where the low-order three or four digits were just a
blur. You know, like you can't reset it, the counter just shows the
number of LFO cycles since you first built the instrument. :)

I've never seen an Altair. Wasn't that something like the last "obscure
hobbyist" computer before the age of Apple/Commodore/etc ? (showing my
youth, I know)
