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Subject: Quantizer Question

From: "Tkacs, Ken" <Ken.Tkacs@...>
Date: 1999-10-03

Is there any way of making a quantizer that has a "softness" control? In
other words, there would be an option where the steps are not completely
discreet-the output voltage tends to "pull" the input CV to the quantized
steps, but there is a softer knee?

The reason I ask is that I've always wondered if a quantizer might help make
a Theremin controller a bit easier to manage. But one wouldn't want to
completely lose the Theremin's 'melismatic' nature.

Could it be something as easy as leaking a bit of the input CV into the
output? I guess you could slap an integrator on the quantized output to
force a glide, but that's not the same.

Does any of this make sense?

By the way, regarding microtonality, �-tones are actually pretty nasty. They
just multiply the problems with 12-tone equal temperament by two. If you
want to try a good-sounding, manageable microtonality, try 19-tone ET.
Compared to 12-tone ET, you sacrifice a little bit of accuracy on one or two
intervals, but pick up a lot on the others. You can pretty much map the
chromatic scale onto it with 7 extra notes added.