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Subject: Re: MOTM Module Ideas

From: Gur Milstein <gur-m@...
Date: 1999-03-05

At 11:32 PM 3/3/99 -0600, you wrote:
>From: "Paul Schreiber" <synth1@...>
>1) A vocoder is a massive analog undertaking. Rather, let's everyone answer
>Is a killer MOTM vocoder kit worth $500?

i dont think its the right time for vocoder lets ferst fenish other importent
moduls for the modular ,quantizers,vc adsr,simple low cost vca,vc mixer,
simple analog sequencer......etc
>2) I will have a set of ears for a Pro-2000 to bring out the 1/8" jacks to
>1/4" jacks. I will
>look into a pro-solo thing. Maybe Kenton will sell me the "guts" (no case)
>and I can
>make up my own panel.
i work analog sequencing.

Gur Milstein