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Subject: Re: OT: Drum machines

From: "jmw" <evening@...
Date: 1999-08-25

>Also, the new Alesis ProDrums got 2 glowing
>reviews recently.

If you just need the drum sounds - check out the Alesis D4 & DM5 modules
Both are easily found used for less than $250. Excellent sounds & 12 trigger
inputs to boot! (which I imagine could be used for some wicked purpose with
your MOTM modules...)

I recently checked out a DM5 vs the Roland Vdrum module ( both were
triggered from V Drum pads) and I thought that the the DM5 sounded better.
The VDrum odule does have more bells & whistles though - like the cheesy,
computer generated, vocal count off: 1 - e - and - uhh - 2 - e - and -

Stiffer than Al Gore at a Republican cocaine orgy!
