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Subject: Daughter of MOAS

From: Andy Finch <andyfinch@...
Date: 1999-08-22

The latest edition of SOS has just hit the streets, and it contains a
review of Analogue Solutions Concussor percussion modular/sequencer.

I haven't any experience of analogue sequencers yet, but they describe
in the review the fact that most sequencers RESET function resets the
sequencer to step 1, which means that the first note played will be step
2. The concussor resets to step 16, so step 1 will be the first note
played. Seems like common sense to me, but they say it is the only
sequencer that does it.

So, which step will Daughter of MOAS reset to???

BTW, SOS gave the Concussor a whopping 6 pages. I think MOTM fans would
be happy with that.
