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Subject: Re: Daughter of MOAS

From: Doug Pearson <ceres@...
Date: 1999-08-17

>From: "J. Larry Hendry" <jlarryh@...>
>> From: "Paul Schreiber" <synth1@...>
>> There are 99 memorys (#1-99). The length is set to say 16. You twiddle
>> 16 pots
>> to the correct voltages, press <STORE>. (You 'alpha' in the location with
>> the data entry knob).
>> A <CHAIN> is another memory, that stores sequences of memory locations. A
>> <CHAIN> might be:
>> 1-2-45-3-74-1-70.
>> In other words, it plays the notes in #1, followed by #2, followed by
>> etc.
>> Of course, we could place a <HOLD> in the <CHAIN> until, say, a <GATE IN>
>> sensed.
>> or a <HOLD/LOOP> that repeats the <CHAIN> over and over until <GATE IN>
>> active, then it proceeds.
>I REALLY like the sound of this type.
>Stooge LH

Me Too!!!

>> OR, a more bizarre <FORK>, which means if <GATE IN> is active ∗at that
>> time∗, go on, else
>> branch to another <CHAIN>. Or a <HOLD CC>, which releases the <HOLD> if
>> MIDI CC message is active........
>> The joys of the lowly microprocessor. Take ∗that∗, lowy Moog 960.

What commands will there be?

what else?

Will there be programmable algorithms for looped chains? Conditional
(<FORK>) chains within chains? I REALLY like this!


P.S. Paul & Larry - did this message go through to the list? I seem to be
having trouble with Onelist ...