Hi Mark,
I'm not sure I understand what you're proposing with patching your VCA "into
the patch panel" -- if you mean to mix the outputs of several sources (say
three VCOs) in a multiple, and then run that signal in to the VCA: I would
like to hear what Paul says about that first.
This technique is called nonlinear mixing in the Alan Strange book
"Electronic Music" and will produce non-harmonic tones (specifically sum and
difference tones) such that the resultant sound is similar to AM. The reason
I'd ask Paul first is that it is generally considered to be bad practice to
run outputs into outputs.
The only reason to not use your RM section as a VCA is that a RM will not
have the dynamic range of a VCA, but in a pinch......
In a message dated 7/20/99 10:52:52 AM,
mmt@... writes:
>Hello all -
>How is everyone on the list using the MOTM-110 VCA function?
>I only have one, and planned on running it into the patch panel to expand.
>Is this a good Idea?
>Has anyone tried using the ring mod I/O as a VCA? (mentioned in the manual).
>Hey Paul, how soon will we see the single VCA modules?