> Here is a little prog rock ditty from Stooge_Larry (MP3 format).
> See if you can reconstruct the patch!
> I'll have more Stooge samples up on the web later PM.
> Paul S.
In case there are still a few of you out there that don't automatically
delete the many postings I have made to this list lately, you should have
much of the detail for this patch mail I sent a few days ago. The patch is
totally documented and I would e-mail the docs to anyone interested.
2 hints:
I used MOTM-100 S&H plus MOTM-800 EG to make
a varible frequecy LFO that does the PWM of both
VCOs (180 degrees out of phase).
None of the normal audio INs of the 420 filter
are used. Now just how does that audio get
into the filter?
Damn this is fun.
Stooge Larry