>From: "J. Larry Hendry" <jlarryh@...>
>> From: improv@... (Dave Trenkel)
>> PS, just finished my 2nd 420. Wow, all I can say is that 2 420's add up
>> way more than twice the coolness of 1. This is an incredible filter, the
>> more I play with it the more I like it.
>OK Dave, from a guy who could only buy one (just bought another house this
>week), tell me / us more. How are you using two? How are you connecting
>them? Inquiring minds want to know.
>Larry Hendry
Well, considering that I just finished my 2nd 420 about 4 hours ago, I'm
sure others on the list could tell you more than me, but I've had this
patch going pretty much ever since I plugged in the 2nd 420 that has the 2
hooked in series, notch mode, modulated by different LFO's that is pure
bass drone heaven. Also, by putting one in highpass and one in lowpass, you
get really interesting swells as the frequency ranges cross.
I'm kind of curious about how the filters on the original MS20 are wired,
anyone care to enlighten me? Are they in series or parallel? Is the first
filter highpass or low? I've never actually used an MS20, the 420's are the
closest I've ever gotten.
Dave Trenkel :
improv@... : www.peak.org/~improv/
"...there will come a day when you won't have to use
gasoline. You'd simply take a cassette and put it in
your car, let it run. You'd have to have the proper
type of music. Like you take two sticks, put 'em
together, make fire. You take some notes and rub 'em
together - dum, dum, dum, dum - fire, cosmic fire."
-Sun Ra