Date | Author | Subject |
2001-04-19 | Files Uploaded | dahlia13@... |
2001-04-23 | Re: Files Uploaded | "mike B" <digiboy@...> |
2001-06-14 | pix | hizumi@... |
2001-06-14 | pots | hizumi@... |
2001-06-15 | Re: [emlsynth] pix | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2001-06-15 | Re: pix | hizumi@... |
2001-06-16 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: pix | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2001-06-16 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: pix | Barry Michael <dzogchen2002@...> |
2001-06-24 | 4 pdf's added to file section | "mike B" <digiboy@...> |
2001-06-28 | Re: 4 pdf's added to file section | hizumi@... |
2001-06-29 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: 4 pdf's added to file section | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2001-06-29 | calibrationdata for eml101 | "arp guy" <arpguy@...> |
2001-06-30 | Re: calibrationdata for eml101 | "mike B" <digiboy@...> |
2001-07-01 | Re: [emlsynth] 400/401 Seq. for sale | Barry Michael <dzogchen2002@...> |
2001-08-02 | looking for documentation eml synth's | arpguy@... |
2001-08-17 | Hi all | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2001-08-19 | eml 101 details | "arp guy" <arpguy@...> |
2001-08-21 | Tim Smith Estate? | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2001-08-23 | New Member / Archive Access? | "Chewy Squid" <chewysquid@...> |
2001-08-24 | Re: [emlsynth] New Member / Archive Access? | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2001-09-05 | polybox schemos? | "Daniel Araya" <daniel.araya@...> |
2001-09-05 | Re: [emlsynth] polybox schemos? | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2001-09-05 | Re: [emlsynth] polybox schemos? | "Daniel Araya" <daniel.araya@...> |
2001-09-05 | Re: [emlsynth] polybox schemos? | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2001-09-05 | Re: [emlsynth] polybox schemos? | ">>>marjan<<<" <urekar.m@...> |
2001-09-05 | Re: [emlsynth] polybox schemos? | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2001-09-05 | Re: [emlsynth] polybox schemos? | "Daniel Araya" <daniel.araya@...> |
2001-09-06 | Re: [emlsynth] polybox schemos? | ">>>marjan<<<" <urekar.m@...> |
2001-09-06 | Re: [emlsynth] polybox schemos? | ">>>marjan<<<" <urekar.m@...> |
2001-09-06 | Re: [emlsynth] polybox schemos? | "Daniel Araya" <daniel.araya@...> |
2001-09-06 | Re: [emlsynth] polybox schemos? | ">>>marjan<<<" <urekar.m@...> |
2001-09-06 | moving some files at the Yahoo emlsynth site | "mike B" <digiboy@...> |
2001-09-06 | Re: [emlsynth] moving some files at the Yahoo emlsynth site | "arp guy" <arpguy@...> |
2001-09-07 | RE: EML questions | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2001-09-07 | Re: [emlsynth] RE: EML questions | "arp guy" <arpguy@...> |
2001-09-07 | Re: [emlsynth] RE: EML questions | "arp guy" <arpguy@...> |
2001-09-07 | Re: [emlsynth] RE: EML questions | "arp guy" <arpguy@...> |
2001-09-08 | New file uploaded to emlsynth | <> |
2001-09-08 | Re: [emlsynth] New file uploaded to emlsynth | ">>>marjan<<<" <urekar.m@...> |
2001-09-08 | New file uploaded to emlsynth | <> |
2001-09-08 | Polybox schematics | "mike B" <digiboy@...> |
2001-09-24 | EML SSM2040 based VCF schematics? | 8brain@... |
2001-09-25 | [emlsynth] a pic: EML SSM2040 based VCF schematics? | pH_______ <disck@...> |
2001-09-29 | Electrocomp 101 Track | "Bill Fox" <billfox@...> |
2001-11-08 | EML oddities at Ebay/Timing is everything | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2001-11-08 | EML oddities at Ebay/ some questions | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2001-11-08 | Re: [emlsynth] EML oddities at Ebay/ some questions | John McIntyre <mcintyre@...> |
2001-11-19 | Cool EML demo record on line. | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2001-11-30 | George is gone | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2001-12-01 | Re: Electrocomp 101 Track | alex@... |
2001-12-01 | Re: Electrocomp 101 Track | alex@... |
2001-12-01 | Re: Electrocomp 101 Track | alex@... |
2001-12-01 | Re: Electrocomp 101 Track | "mike B" <digiboy@...> |
2001-12-02 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: Electrocomp 101 Track | "RFAHL" <8brain@...> |
2001-12-03 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: Electrocomp 101 Track | alex killough <alex@...> |
2001-12-03 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: Electrocomp 101 Track | "Bill Fox" <billfox@...> |
2002-01-10 | New Member | rschwim295@... |
2002-01-29 | EML 101 Available | "jgrosenberg" <jonathanrosenberg@...> |
2002-01-29 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 101 Available | "Ron" <ron@...> |
2002-01-29 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 101 Available | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-02-05 | 101 on ebay | "alexkillough" <alex@...> |
2002-02-05 | Re: [emlsynth] 101 on ebay | "Chewy Squid" <chewysquid@...> |
2002-02-05 | Re: [emlsynth] 101 on ebay | alex killough <alex@...> |
2002-02-05 | Re: [emlsynth] 101 on ebay | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-02-05 | EML 100 available | media@... |
2002-02-05 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 100 available | "arp guy" <arpguy@...> |
2002-02-05 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 100 available | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-02-05 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 100 available | alex killough <alex@...> |
2002-02-06 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 100 available | media@... |
2002-02-06 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 100 available/Pictures? | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-02-09 | EML 400/401 sequencer at Ebay | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-02-12 | Re: Cool EML demo record on line. | "qsc_bob" <bob_lee@...> |
2002-03-03 | eBaywatch: 200's and a 101 | "mike_b_eml" <digiboy@...> |
2002-03-03 | 200 oscillators and ring mod?? | media.nai@... |
2002-03-10 | New file uploaded to emlsynth | |
2002-03-27 | [AH] FS: EML 400/401 (16x2 sequencer version) | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-03-27 | page on modular synths literature | "gregory_rayee" <gregory_rayee@...> |
2002-04-02 | EBaywatch - 101 | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-04-03 | anamod | "coyoteous" <satori@...> |
2002-04-03 | Ebaywatch/EML200 | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-04-17 | eml 400/401 manual needed | "verbos2002" <verbos2002@...> |
2002-04-17 | Re: [emlsynth] eml 400/401 manual needed/startup | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-04-18 | Ebaywatch | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-04-18 | Re: eml 400/401 manual needed/startup | "verbos2002" <verbos2002@...> |
2002-04-17 | Ebaywatch | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-04-20 | new member ... | "steve shell" <angrysavant@...> |
2002-04-21 | Re: [emlsynth] new member ... | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-04-21 | 101 schematics | alex killough <alex@...> |
2002-04-21 | Some EML parts | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-04-21 | Re: [emlsynth] 101 schematics | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-04-22 | Some EML parts /Seattle | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-04-23 | I'm Looking for... | "arpguy" <arpguy@...> |
2002-04-28 | EBaywatch: Polybox up for grabs | "mike_b_eml" <digiboy@...> |
2002-04-29 | Analogue for Sale | "arpguy" <arpguy@...> |
2002-04-29 | EML 400 Sequencer Schematics? | "vtl5c3" <8brain@...> |
2002-04-29 | Re: [emlsynth] 101 schematics | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-04-29 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 400 Sequencer Schematics? | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-04-29 | 101 power supply schemo archived | "mike_b_eml" <digiboy@...> |
2002-04-30 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 400 Sequencer Schematics? | RFahl <8brain@...> |
2002-04-30 | 101 calibration | "Luther Rochester" <lrochester@...> |
2002-04-30 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 400 Sequencer Schematics? | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-04-30 | Re: [emlsynth] 101 power supply schemo archived | ">>>marjan<<<" <urekar.m@...> |
2002-04-30 | requests for schematics | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-04-30 | Vintage Sale-WEBSITE ONLINE | "arpguy" <arpguy@...> |
2002-05-01 | Vintage for Sale-Updated Website | "arpguy" <arpguy@...> |
2002-05-01 | eml handle | "Luther Rochester" <lrochester@...> |
2002-05-02 | OT/Raymond Scott Orchestrette - upcoming | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-05-08 | EML 101 calibration--a plea | "Luther Rochester" <lrochester@...> |
2002-05-08 | Re: EML 101 calibration--a plea | "rob80b" <rob80b@...> |
2002-05-08 | Re: EML 101 calibration--a plea | "rob80b" <rob80b@...> |
2002-05-08 | Re: EML 101 calibration--a plea | "rob80b" <rob80b@...> |
2002-05-09 | Re: EML 101 calibration--a plea | "hizumi.rm" <hizumi@...> |
2002-05-09 | Re: EML 101 calibration--a plea | "rob80b" <rob80b@...> |
2002-05-09 | What the original poster doesn't say if he's overshooting or | "rob80b" <rob80b@...> |
2002-05-10 | Re: What the original poster doesn't say if he's overshooting or | "napalmavenger" <lrochester@...> |
2002-05-10 | more 101 information for Luther | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-05-10 | Re: more 101 information for Luther | "napalmavenger" <lrochester@...> |
2002-05-10 | Re: [emlsynth] more 101 information for Luther | ">>>marjan<<<" <urekar.m@...> |
2002-05-13 | Vintage Sale | "arpguy" <arpguy@...> |
2002-05-17 | Freeware | "mikewerk" <mikewerk62@...> |
2002-05-28 | Vintage for Sale | "arpguy" <arpguy@...> |
2002-06-03 | Great photos of the 101 | "mike_b_eml" <digiboy@...> |
2002-06-29 | 3 new photos at the Archive | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-07-20 | using this list for buying/selling. | "mike_b_eml" <digiboy@...> |
2002-07-22 | EML 301 For Sale | "guidotoons" <JWelsh3374@...> |
2002-07-24 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 301 For Sale | bob dobbs <ringmod45@...> |
2002-07-31 | Re: EML 301 For Sale | "guidotoons" <JWelsh3374@...> |
2002-08-13 | Re: [emlsynth] using this list for buying/selling. | rschwim295@... |
2002-08-13 | Re: [emlsynth] using this list for buying/selling. | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-08-26 | Re: using this list for buying/selling. | "huseac" <huseac@...> |
2002-08-26 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: using this list for buying/selling. | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-08-26 | Attn: Kurt/EML100 | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-08-26 | Pics of EML100 | "huseac" <huseac@...> |
2002-08-26 | Re: [emlsynth] Pics of EML100 | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-08-26 | Re: Pics of EML100 | "huseac" <huseac@...> |
2002-08-29 | EML-101 | "mm123 ah" <mm123ah@...> |
2002-08-30 | Re: [emlsynth] EML-101 | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-08-30 | Re: [emlsynth] EML-101 | "mm123 ah" <mm123ah@...> |
2002-08-30 | Re: [emlsynth] EML-101 | "mm123 ah" <mm123ah@...> |
2002-08-31 | 4 new pdf files uploaded | "mike_b_eml" <digiboy@...> |
2002-09-01 | re: 4 new pdf files / serial # skipping | "mm123 ah" <mm123ah@...> |
2002-09-01 | Re: [emlsynth] re: 4 new pdf files / serial # skipping | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-09-01 | Re: [emlsynth] Digest Number 67 | luther <lrochester@...> |
2002-09-04 | Re: [emlsynth] re: 4 new pdf files / serial # skipping | "mm123 ah" <mm123ah@...> |
2002-09-09 | For Sale : Arp Sequencer | "oldsynth" <oldsynth@...> |
2002-09-21 | EML FESTIVAL on ebay! Plus.... | "guidotoons" <JWelsh3374@...> |
2002-09-22 | Anybody know how I would do this? | "guidotoons" <JWelsh3374@...> |
2002-09-22 | Re: [emlsynth] Anybody know how I would do this? | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-09-26 | EML techs? | "warpus3000" <marc@...> |
2002-10-04 | Photos of the EML Synkey in the archive | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-10-11 | gear | bill bigrig <billbigrig@...> |
2002-10-15 | EML items of interest on eBay | "mm123 ah" <mm123ah@...> |
2002-11-07 | FA (ebay) EML-100 | "mm123 ah" <mm123ah@...> |
2002-11-07 | Re: [emlsynth] FA (ebay) EML-100 | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-11-07 | Re: [emlsynth] FA (ebay) EML-100 | "mm123 ah" <mm123ah@...> |
2002-11-07 | Re: [emlsynth] FA (ebay) EML-100 | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-11-08 | Re: [emlsynth] FA (ebay) EML-100 | "mm123 ah" <mm123ah@...> |
2002-11-09 | Re: [emlsynth] FA (ebay) EML-100 | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2002-11-11 | Matrix Pump | "mm123 ah" <mm123ah@...> |
2002-12-07 | EML 301 for sale...reduced price | "guidotoons <JWelsh3374@...>" <JWelsh3374@...> |
2003-01-01 | CV to MIDI for 101 Advice? | rschwim295@... |
2003-01-01 | Re: [emlsynth] CV to MIDI for 101 Advice? | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2003-01-02 | Re: [emlsynth] CV to MIDI for 101 Advice? | bill bigrig <billbigrig@...> |
2003-01-03 | Re: [emlsynth] CV to MIDI for 101 Advice? | bill bigrig <billbigrig@...> |
2003-02-18 | Orbital Decay at the Soundscapes Concert Series | "Bill Fox" <billfox@...> |
2003-02-21 | EMUSIC Playlist #309 for February 20 | "Bill Fox" <billfox@...> |
2003-02-24 | Sorry - My Mistake | "Bill Fox" <billfox@...> |
2003-03-01 | Soundscapes Concert Series with vidnaObmana | "Bill Fox" <billfox@...> |
2003-03-21 | wtb:eml300/301 controller | "synth_ollie" <synth_ollie@...> |
2003-03-31 | FS: EML 301 last call! | "guidotoons" <JWelsh3374@...> |
2003-03-31 | Re: [emlsynth] FS: EML 301 last call! | bill bigrig <billbigrig@...> |
2003-04-01 | vidnaObmana at the Soundscapes Concert Series | "Bill Fox" <billfox@...> |
2003-04-08 | Soundscapes Concert Series with vidnaObmana | "Bill Fox" <billfox@...> |
2003-04-10 | Instrumental Weekly Interview... | "Bill Fox" <billfox@...> |
2003-04-15 | The Soundscapes Concert Series with vidnaObmana | "Bill Fox" <billfox@...> |
2003-05-25 | Prices for EML 101 | "kyhotay" <brianfolkes@...> |
2003-05-25 | Re: [emlsynth] Prices for EML 101 | bill bigrig <billbigrig@...> |
2003-05-25 | Re: [emlsynth] Digest Number 94 | "Brian Folkes" <brianfolkes@...> |
2003-05-26 | EML101 pricing | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2003-05-26 | Re: [emlsynth] EML101 pricing | bill bigrig <billbigrig@...> |
2003-05-26 | Re: [emlsynth] EML101 pricing | "mm123 ah" <mm123ah@...> |
2003-05-27 | Re: [emlsynth] EML101 pricing | bill bigrig <billbigrig@...> |
2003-05-27 | Re: [emlsynth] EML101 pricing | "mm123 ah" <mm123ah@...> |
2003-05-27 | Re: [emlsynth] EML101 pricing | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2003-06-04 | EML 101 For Sale | "kyhotay" <brianfolkes@...> |
2003-06-24 | Robert Rich Show Cancelled | "Bill Fox" <billfox@...> |
2003-07-07 | Thelonius Monk Moog CD | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2003-09-04 | Different Skies Electronic Space Music Festival at Arcosanti | "Bill Fox" <billfox@...> |
2003-09-27 | Fantastic New Home Biz Opp - Do Not Miss This! | Trisha Anderson <trisha_anderson070@...> |
2003-09-27 | Re: [emlsynth] Fantastic New Home Biz Opp - Do Not Miss This! | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2003-09-29 | EML 301 controller | "guidotoons" <guido@...> |
2003-09-29 | FS: EML 301 controller | "guidotoons" <guido@...> |
2003-09-30 | Re: [emlsynth] FS: EML 301 controller | "Tetsuo" <eyesaw@...> |
2003-09-30 | Re: FS: EML 301 controller | "guidotoons" <guido@...> |
2003-09-30 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: FS: EML 301 controller | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2003-09-30 | and even more on the EML 301 controller | "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...> |
2003-10-01 | Syn-key | "phaseshifter11" <s.teller@...> |
2003-10-04 | Re: Thelonius Monk Moog CD | "guidotoons" <guido@...> |
2003-10-08 | EML 101 mods | David Cornutt <cornutt@...> |
2003-10-08 | Movies of a wild sex party in a summer suite | "scientolsharapov_page" <scientolsharapov_page@...> |
2003-10-08 | apology for spam | "mike_b_eml" <digiboy@...> |
2003-10-09 | Re: [emlsynth] apology for spam | "Bill Fox" <billfox@...> |
2003-11-06 | Moog vs. Eml 101 | "spogfrawne" <spogfrawne@...> |
2003-11-06 | Re: [emlsynth] Digest Number 108 | "luther" <lrochester@...> |
2003-11-14 | Re: [emlsynth] Moog vs. Eml 101 | "mm123 ah" <mm123ah@...> |
2003-11-14 | FA/FS: EML Electrocomps EML-101 | "mm123 ah" <mm123ah@...> |
2003-12-08 | FA: EML-100 | "mm123 ah" <mm123ah@...> |
2003-12-14 | modular synth literature | "grotechef" <grotechef@...> |
2003-12-16 | Re: modular synth literature | grotechef@... |
2004-01-22 | EML 200 problem | "Sean Valentino" <seanv@...> |
2004-01-23 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 200 problem | digiboy <digiboy@...> |
2004-01-23 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 200 problem | "Sean Valentino" <seanv@...> |
2004-01-23 | Re: Re: [emlsynth] EML 200 problem | digiboy <digiboy@...> |
2004-01-23 | Pink Floyd synths | Bob Lee <bob_lee@...> |
2004-01-24 | Re: Pink Floyd synths | "mike_b_eml" <digiboy@...> |
2004-02-01 | EML 200 For Sale | "Sean" <seanv@...> |
2004-02-03 | Re: Pink Floyd synths | Bob Lee <bob_lee@...> |
2004-02-10 | EML 200 For Sale | "Sean" <seanv@...> |
2004-02-23 | Re: Pink Floyd synths | "nicholas_kent" <nicholas_kent@...> |
2004-02-23 | RE: [emlsynth] Digest Number 120 | Bob Lee <bob_lee@...> |
2004-02-26 | Re: Pink Floyd synths | "nicholas_kent" <nicholas_kent@...> |
2004-02-26 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: Pink Floyd synths | Mike <digiboy@...> |
2004-02-28 | Re: Pink Floyd synths | "nicholas_kent" <nicholas_kent@...> |
2004-03-02 | Re: Digest Number 120 | "nicholas_kent" <nicholas_kent@...> |
2004-03-02 | RE: [emlsynth] Digest Number 124 | Bob Lee <bob_lee@...> |
2004-03-03 | RE: [emlsynth] Digest Number 124 | Mike <digiboy@...> |
2004-03-09 | Re: Digest Number 124 | "nicholas_kent" <nicholas_kent@...> |
2004-03-09 | question/ analog synthesizer circuits | "Steven J" <g546@...> |
2004-03-10 | Re: [emlsynth] question/ analog synthesizer circuits | Mike <digiboy@...> |
2004-03-10 | re: question/ analog synthesizer circuits | "Daniel Araya" <daniel.araya@...> |
2004-03-10 | Re: [emlsynth] question/ analog synthesizer circuits | spr@... |
2004-03-10 | Re: [emlsynth] question/ analog synthesizer circuits | "Steven J" <g546@...> |
2004-03-11 | RE: question/ analog synthesizer circuits | Bob Lee <bob_lee@...> |
2004-03-18 | Re: Digest Number 124 | "widoworx" <rihilleman@...> |
2004-03-18 | Re: Pink Floyd synths | "widoworx" <rihilleman@...> |
2004-03-18 | EML 500 and Midi kits. | "widoworx" <rihilleman@...> |
2004-03-26 | Re: Pink Floyd synths | "nicholas_kent" <nicholas_kent@...> |
2004-03-26 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: Pink Floyd synths | "ALMAGATA@..." <almagata@...> |
2004-03-26 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: Pink Floyd synths | Mike <digiboy@...> |
2004-03-27 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: Pink Floyd synths | rihilleman@... |
2004-04-03 | Analogue Heaven Northeast 2004 | alt-mode <yahoo@...> |
2004-04-05 | Yamaha SY-85 Keyboard Search | Bill Fox <billyfox@...> |
2004-04-17 | EML 101 docs | "masada_wilmot" <masada.wilmot@...> |
2004-04-17 | Re: EML 101 docs | "mike_b_eml" <digiboy@...> |
2004-04-18 | EML modules and "EML" modules | "mike_b_eml" <digiboy@...> |
2004-04-21 | The Electronic Music Lab Modules | Mike <digiboy@...> |
2004-05-30 | WTT EML stuff for analogue stuff | "m0n075" <monop0ly@...> |
2004-07-26 | New file uploaded to emlsynth | |
2004-07-30 | Pot replacement | "spogfrawne" <spogfrawne@...> |
2004-07-30 | Re: [emlsynth] Pot replacement | "Roman" <modular@...> |
2004-09-23 | EML-400 / EML-500 Potentiometers | "Casio Rapman" <casiorapman@...> |
2004-09-25 | Re: [emlsynth] EML-400 / EML-500 Potentiometers | David Cornutt <cornutt@...> |
2004-11-04 | FA: 2 EML 101's in custom case with extra's on Ebay | "patrkbrand" <ultrasonicsound@...> |
2004-11-05 | Re: [emlsynth] FA: 2 EML 101's in custom case with extra's on Ebay | Mike <digiboy@...> |
2004-11-09 | Re: FA: 2 EML 101's in custom case with extra's on Ebay | "Patrick Brand" <ultrasonicsound@...> |
2004-12-07 | FS EML 101 | "dabug64" <dabug64@...> |
2004-12-10 | Poly Box (clone) wanted! | "Martyn Meere" <coolpad@...> |
2004-12-22 | Help with EML 301 | "cybermooks" <cybermooks@...> |
2004-12-24 | Re: [emlsynth] Help with EML 301 | Mike <digiboy@...> |
2005-01-05 | FA: Gorgeous (Exceptional) EML-101 - Collectors quality | "mm123 ah" <mm123ah@...> |
2005-01-09 | electro-music 2005 | Bill Fox <billyfox@...> |
2005-03-01 | update to photo archive | Mike <digiboy@...> |
2005-03-01 | 400 numbering? | Steve Ridley <spr@...> |
2005-03-02 | Re: [emlsynth] 400 numbering? | Mike <digiboy@...> |
2005-03-02 | Re: Re: [emlsynth] 400 numbering? | Steve Ridley <spr@...> |
2005-03-03 | Re: Re: [emlsynth] 400 numbering? | Mike <digiboy@...> |
2005-04-09 | IC for EML SynKey | STEPHEN TELLER <s.teller@...> |
2005-05-02 | new photos | "m0n075" <modular@...> |
2005-05-02 | Re: [emlsynth] new photos | Mike <digiboy@...> |
2005-05-03 | Re: new photos | "coyoteous" <antithesist@...> |
2005-05-03 | Re: new photos | "mike_b_eml" <digiboy@...> |
2005-05-04 | Re: new photos | "coyoteous" <antithesist@...> |
2005-05-04 | EML factory pics now in the Files section | "mike_b_eml" <digiboy@...> |
2005-05-04 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: new photos | =?iso-8859-2?Q?Roman?= <modular@...> |
2005-05-05 | Re: EML factory pics now in the Files section | "coyoteous" <antithesist@...> |
2005-05-05 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: EML factory pics now in the Files section | Mike <digiboy@...> |
2005-05-05 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: EML factory pics now in the Files section | "Brandon Daniel" <bdu@...> |
2005-05-05 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: EML factory pics now in the Files section | Mike <digiboy@...> |
2005-05-05 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: EML factory pics now in the Files section | David Cornutt <cornutt@...> |
2005-05-05 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: EML factory pics now in the Files section | "Brandon Daniel" <bdu@...> |
2005-05-05 | EML Factory pics in enhanced mode | Mike <digiboy@...> |
2005-06-05 | [FS] EML VCF Board | "m0n075" <modular@...> |
2005-06-05 | [FS] EML 101 vco board | "m0n075" <modular@...> |
2005-06-10 | FS: EML 100 | Mark <yahoogroups@...> |
2005-06-14 | FS: EML 100 | Mark <yahoogroups@...> |
2005-07-08 | POLY IS A CRACKER!! | "analogback" <gehayman@...> |
2005-07-08 | POLY IS A CRACKER!! | "analogback" <gehayman@...> |
2005-10-16 | Buchla CV | "nicholas_kent" <nicholas_kent@...> |
2005-11-26 | Zappa's Dub Room Special/EML-spotting | Mike DB <digiboy@...> |
2005-12-07 | eml polybox | "ringmod45" <ringmod45@...> |
2006-01-06 | cleaning EML pots | "nicholas_kent" <nicholas_kent@...> |
2006-02-02 | Re: cleaning EML pots | "spogfrawne" <Spogfrawne@...> |
2006-02-02 | Re: cleaning EML pots | "nicholas_kent" <nicholas_kent@...> |
2006-02-03 | Re: cleaning EML pots | "spogfrawne" <Spogfrawne@...> |
2006-02-07 | RE: [emlsynth] cleaning EML pots | "Masada Wilmot" <masada.wilmot@...> |
2006-02-11 | New to the group | "syntar_dude" <axisair@...> |
2006-02-11 | Re: New to the group | "synth_ollie" <synth_ollie@...> |
2006-02-12 | RE: [emlsynth] Re: New to the group | "George Mattson" <axisair@...> |
2006-03-09 | 200 | "sascha.victoria" <sascha.victoria@...> |
2006-03-10 | Re: 200 | "nicholas_kent" <nicholas_kent@...> |
2006-03-14 | RE: [emlsynth] 200 | Steve Ridley <spr@...> |
2006-03-18 | Wanted EML-500 schematics | "m0n075" <modular@...> |
2006-03-19 | eml 500 schematics | "billbigrig" <billbigrig@...> |
2006-03-20 | Re: [emlsynth] 200 | "sascha victoria" <sascha.victoria@...> |
2006-03-21 | What are those EML potentiometers called? | "nicholas_kent" <nicholas_kent@...> |
2006-03-24 | Re: [emlsynth] 200 | Steve Ridley <spr@...> |
2006-03-25 | New files up | Steve Ridley <spr@...> |
2006-04-04 | New member | "ahfinnie11" <heathfinnie@...> |
2006-04-04 | center tapped pots | ganesha <goaqihai@...> |
2006-04-04 | Re: [emlsynth] center tapped pots | klosmon <klosmon@...> |
2006-04-04 | Question about EML 100's Output mixer - OSC3/EXT | "ahfinnie11" <heathfinnie@...> |
2006-04-05 | Re: Question about EML 100's Output mixer - OSC3/EXT | "ahfinnie11" <heathfinnie@...> |
2006-04-06 | Inside the EML 100: | "ahfinnie11" <heathfinnie@...> |
2006-04-15 | EML 400/401 manual | "heathfinnie" <heathfinnie@...> |
2006-04-15 | Questions about the EML 400/401 | "ahfinnie11" <heathfinnie@...> |
2006-04-15 | RE: [emlsynth] Questions about the EML 400/401 | "George Mattson" <axisair@...> |
2006-04-15 | RE: [emlsynth] center tapped pots | "Masada Wilmot" <masada.wilmot@...> |
2006-05-01 | EML 400 Schematics | "vtl5c3" <rfahl@...> |
2006-05-08 | RE: [emlsynth] EML 400 Schematics | Steve Ridley <spr@...> |
2006-05-18 | Wild EML modules + parts on eBay | "pzlonvent" <ph@...> |
2006-05-18 | RE: [emlsynth] Wild EML modules + parts on eBay | "George Mattson" <axisair@...> |
2006-05-18 | Re: [emlsynth] Wild EML modules + parts on eBay | David Cornutt <cornutt@...> |
2006-05-18 | RE: [emlsynth] Wild EML modules + parts on eBay | Steve Ridley <spr@...> |
2006-05-19 | RE: [emlsynth] Wild EML modules + parts on eBay | "George Mattson" <axisair@...> |
2006-05-19 | RE: [emlsynth] Wild EML modules + parts on eBay | "George Mattson" <axisair@...> |
2006-05-27 | EML 500 | "Rick" <echo7even@...> |
2006-05-30 | RE: [emlsynth] EML 500 | Steve Ridley <spr@...> |
2006-06-03 | Re: EML 500 - Wanted Slider Knobs | "Rick" <echo7even@...> |
2006-06-03 | slider knobs | "billbigrig" <billbigrig@...> |
2006-06-16 | Wild EML modules + parts on eBay | "janczmok" <jan@...> |
2006-06-16 | Re: [emlsynth] Wild EML modules + parts on eBay | "Dennis Verschoor" <modular@...> |
2006-06-19 | RE: [emlsynth] Wild EML modules + parts on eBay | Steve Ridley <spr@...> |
2006-06-25 | FS: EML 100 (Boston) | "ahfinnie11" <heathfinnie@...> |
2006-07-24 | FS: EML 500 Monosynth | "Rick" <echo7even@...> |
2006-08-07 | New to EML Synth Group - Tennessee | "jonhoppe" <jonhoppe@...> |
2006-08-13 | Re: New to EML Synth Group - Tennessee | "nicholas_kent" <nicholas_kent@...> |
2006-08-17 | EML 400/401 and EML 200 FOR SALE in NYC | "sascha.victoria" <sascha.victoria@...> |
2006-08-18 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 400/401 and EML 200 FOR SALE in NYC | Jon Hoppe <jonhoppe@...> |
2006-09-27 | NYC EML tech... | "sascha.victoria" <sascha.victoria@...> |
2006-10-31 | EML 101 patchbay question | "jacobcullins" <jacobcullins@...> |
2006-12-07 | EML101 CV | "kyhotay" <brianfolkes@...> |
2006-12-08 | EML101 Tuning / Calibration !! | "robert andrew scott" <quiet_channel@...> |
2006-12-11 | VIDEOS: Electrocomp EML-200 + Korg SQ-10 | "mm123 ah" <mm123ah@...> |
2006-12-14 | VIDEO: Electrocomp EML-101 - No Gloves! | "mm123 ah" <mm123ah@...> |
2006-12-23 | External CV of EML101 | "kyhotay" <brianfolkes@...> |
2006-12-29 | Re: External CV of EML101 | "nicholas_kent" <nicholas_kent@...> |
2007-01-18 | Re: External CV of EML101 | "rob80b" <rob80b@...> |
2007-01-19 | Re: External CV of EML101 | "Brian Folkes" <brianfolkes@...> |
2007-01-23 | Re: External CV of EML101 | "rob80b" <rob80b@...> |
2007-01-26 | VP-1 Voltage Processor | "Robert" <rob80b@...> |
2007-01-28 | EML-500 Potentiometers replacement | "Robert" <rob80b@...> |
2007-01-28 | Re: VP-1 Voltage Processor | "Robert" <rob80b@...> |
2007-01-26 | "Merde" my 500 sliders | "Robert" <rob80b@...> |
2007-01-29 | Re: [emlsynth] "Merde" my 500 sliders | Mike DB <digiboy@...> |
2007-01-30 | VP-1 Voltage Processor photos added | "Robert" <rob80b@...> |
2007-01-30 | Re: VP-1 Voltage Processor photos added | "Robert" <rob80b@...> |
2007-01-30 | Re: VP-1 Voltage Processor photos added | "Robert" <rob80b@...> |
2007-02-16 | EML 500 Key trouble | "Jeff Johnson" <jeffnshannon@...> |
2007-02-17 | EML 500 CV | "Jeff Johnson" <jeffnshannon@...> |
2007-02-18 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 500 CV | bill bigrig <billbigrig@...> |
2007-02-18 | Re: EML 500 CV | "Jeff Johnson" <jeffnshannon@...> |
2007-02-18 | EML 500 Problems | "Jeff Johnson" <jeffnshannon@...> |
2007-02-18 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 500 Problems | bill bigrig <billbigrig@...> |
2007-02-27 | Re: EML 500 Problems | "Robert" <rob80b@...> |
2007-03-01 | Re: EML 500 Problems | "Jeff Johnson" <jeffnshannon@...> |
2007-03-12 | new eml 101 owner- question about 'oscilator control' section | "lobit12" <lobit12@...> |
2007-03-12 | Re: [emlsynth] new eml 101 owner- question about 'oscilator control' section | klosmon <klosmon@...> |
2007-03-12 | Re: [emlsynth] new eml 101 owner- question about 'oscilator control' section | ganesha <goaqihai@...> |
2007-03-12 | Bob Moog movie on Showtime | Mike DB <digiboy@...> |
2007-03-13 | Re: [emlsynth] Bob Moog movie on Showtime | =?UTF-8?Q?Roman?= <modular@...> |
2007-03-13 | Re: [emlsynth] Bob Moog movie on Showtime | Mike DB <digiboy@...> |
2007-03-16 | Re: Bob Moog movie on Showtime | "nicholas_kent" <nicholas_kent@...> |
2007-03-16 | EML 100 influences | "nicholas_kent" <nicholas_kent@...> |
2007-03-16 | RE: [emlsynth] EML 100 influences | Steve Ridley <spr@...> |
2007-05-17 | External CV of EML101 | "Dan Levey" <Leftbrain@...> |
2007-05-29 | Re: External CV of EML101 | "nicholas_kent" <nicholas_kent@...> |
2007-07-11 | SynKey Parts | "millermm2" <millermm2@...> |
2007-08-07 | EML 400 User Manual | "vtl5c3" <romeo.fahl@...> |
2007-08-08 | Re: EML 400 User Manual | "vtl5c3" <romeo.fahl@...> |
2007-08-15 | RE: [emlsynth] Re: EML 400 User Manual | Hans Greuber <turbotron69@...> |
2007-08-25 | EML 101 Built-In-Reverb Modification/Upgrade !! | "robert andrew scott" <quiet_channel@...> |
2007-08-25 | RE: [emlsynth] EML 101 Built-In-Reverb Modification/Upgrade !! | Hans Greuber <turbotron69@...> |
2007-08-26 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 101 Built-In-Reverb Modification/Upgrade !! | "sascha victoria" <sascha.victoria@...> |
2007-08-26 | RE: [emlsynth] EML 101 Built-In-Reverb Modification/Upgrade !! | Hans Greuber <turbotron69@...> |
2007-08-29 | EML 101 OSC 1 problem. Only some waveforms working | "Heath Finnie" <heathfinnie@...> |
2007-09-14 | WTB: EML 300 or 301 | "Heath Finnie" <heathfinnie@...> |
2007-09-15 | EML-101 Buzzing Back to Life! | "jonhoppe" <jonhoppe@...> |
2007-09-15 | EML 101 repairs / modifications !! | "robert andrew scott" <quiet_channel@...> |
2007-09-15 | Re: NYC EML tech... | "robert andrew scott" <quiet_channel@...> |
2007-09-15 | Re: EML 101 mods | "robert andrew scott" <quiet_channel@...> |
2007-09-16 | EML 400/401 For Sale | "sascha victoria" <sascha.victoria@...> |
2007-09-16 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 101 repairs / modifications !! | "sascha victoria" <sascha.victoria@...> |
2007-09-16 | Schematics for the 500 | "Nils Odegaard" <nilsodegaard@...> |
2007-09-17 | Re: Schematics for the 500 | "Mark Rauch" <billbigrig@...> |
2007-09-27 | OSC 2 blowing fuse on EML 200 | "Heath Finnie" <heathfinnie@...> |
2007-09-27 | RE: [emlsynth] OSC 2 blowing fuse on EML 200 | Steve Ridley <spr@...> |
2007-09-27 | Re: OSC 2 blowing fuse on EML 200 | "Heath Finnie" <heathfinnie@...> |
2007-09-30 | EML101 Amp / Ring Modulation problem ! | "robert andrew scott" <quiet_channel@...> |
2007-09-30 | Dualing 101s | "sascha.victoria" <sascha.victoria@...> |
2007-10-04 | EML 400/401 Auto Set | "k636akx" <k636akx@...> |
2007-10-05 | RE: [emlsynth] Re: OSC 2 blowing fuse on EML 200 | Steve Ridley <spr@...> |
2007-10-05 | RE: [emlsynth] EML 400/401 Auto Set | mm123 ah <mm123ah@...> |
2007-10-05 | IL Turner EML Modules | mm123 ah <mm123ah@...> |
2007-10-05 | Re: [emlsynth] IL Turner EML Modules | Mike DB <digiboy@...> |
2007-10-05 | Re: EML 400/401 Auto Set | "k636akx" <k636akx@...> |
2007-10-05 | RE: [emlsynth] Re: EML 400/401 Auto Set | mm123 ah <mm123ah@...> |
2007-10-05 | Re: EML 400/401 Auto Set | "k636akx" <k636akx@...> |
2007-10-05 | Re: EML 400 User Manual | "k636akx" <k636akx@...> |
2007-10-05 | RE: [emlsynth] Re: EML 400/401 Auto Set | mm123 ah <mm123ah@...> |
2007-10-05 | Re: EML 400/401 Auto Set | "k636akx" <k636akx@...> |
2007-10-05 | re: EML-400 Auto-Set feature | mm123 ah <mm123ah@...> |
2007-10-05 | Re: EML-400 Auto-Set feature | "k636akx" <k636akx@...> |
2007-10-08 | Re: EML 400 User Manual | "mike_b_eml" <digiboy@...> |
2007-10-09 | replacement slider caps | "k636akx" <k636akx@...> |
2007-10-12 | amateur fun? pro's post your patches | "k636akx" <k636akx@...> |
2007-10-28 | EML101 - delayed vibrato ? | "robert andrew scott" <quiet_channel@...> |
2007-10-28 | Re: [emlsynth] EML101 - delayed vibrato ? | bill bigrig <billbigrig@...> |
2007-11-18 | EML OSC 1 issue | "Heath Finnie" <heathfinnie@...> |
2007-11-19 | RE: [emlsynth] EML OSC 1 issue | Steve Ridley <spr@...> |
2008-02-03 | EML 100 | "Sasha Kipervarg" <sasha@...> |
2008-02-06 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 100 | David Cornutt <cornutt@...> |
2008-02-06 | RE: [emlsynth] EML 100 | "sasha" <sasha@...> |
2008-02-06 | RE: [emlsynth] EML 100 | "sasha" <sasha@...> |
2008-02-06 | RE: [emlsynth] EML 100 | Steve Ridley <spr@...> |
2008-02-07 | RE: [emlsynth] EML 100 | "sasha" <sasha@...> |
2008-02-10 | Re: EML 100 | "synergeezer" <synergeezer@...> |
2008-03-08 | New member and EML 200 | "timothyconrardy" <tconrardy@...> |
2008-03-08 | EML 200 Modular fun on YouTube | "timothyconrardy" <tconrardy@...> |
2008-03-09 | Re: EML 200 Modular fun on YouTube | "synergeezer" <synergeezer@...> |
2008-03-09 | Re: EML 200 Modular fun on YouTube | "timothyconrardy" <tconrardy@...> |
2008-03-09 | RE: [emlsynth] Re: EML 200 Modular fun on YouTube | mm123 ah <mm123ah@...> |
2008-03-09 | Re: EML 200 Modular fun on YouTube | "synergeezer" <synergeezer@...> |
2008-03-11 | Re: EML 200 Modular fun on YouTube | "synergeezer" <synergeezer@...> |
2008-03-15 | EML 200: ModBomb peice | "timothyconrardy" <tconrardy@...> |
2008-03-15 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 200: ModBomb peice | Mike DB <digiboy@...> |
2008-04-04 | EML101 theremin patche(s) !!! | "robert andrew scott" <quiet_channel@...> |
2008-05-08 | EML-101 blank patch sheet & User Manual | "mfretton" <matt.fretton@...> |
2008-05-08 | EML soundsheet | "mfretton" <matt.fretton@...> |
2008-05-08 | RE: [emlsynth] EML-101 blank patch sheet & User Manual | mm123 ah <mm123ah@...> |
2008-05-09 | Re: EML soundsheet | "jonhoppe" <jonhoppe@...> |
2008-05-09 | Sequencing an EML-101 | "mfretton" <matt.fretton@...> |
2008-05-09 | Re: [emlsynth] Sequencing an EML-101 | "sascha victoria" <sascha.victoria@...> |
2008-05-10 | Re: [emlsynth] Sequencing an EML-101 | "Matt Fretton" <matt.fretton@...> |
2008-05-10 | Re: [emlsynth] Sequencing an EML-101 | "sascha victoria" <sascha.victoria@...> |
2008-05-13 | EML-101 and Kenton Pro-2000 | "oliverchesler" <oliverchesler@...> |
2008-05-13 | Re: [emlsynth] EML-101 and Kenton Pro-2000 | "Matt Fretton" <matt.fretton@...> |
2008-05-13 | Re: EML-101 and Kenton Pro-2000 | "oliverchesler" <oliverchesler@...> |
2008-05-13 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: EML-101 and Kenton Pro-2000 | "Matt Fretton" <matt.fretton@...> |
2008-05-16 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: EML-101 and Kenton Pro-2000 | "sascha victoria" <sascha.victoria@...> |
2008-05-25 | Re: EML-101 and Kenton Pro-2000 | "oliverchesler" <oliverchesler@...> |
2008-06-01 | serial numbers | "k636akx" <k636akx@...> |
2008-06-26 | Bc16 and Eml200 | "timothyconrardy" <tconrardy@...> |
2008-06-26 | Re: EML-101 and Kenton Pro-2000 | "nicholas_kent" <nicholas_kent@...> |
2008-06-27 | EML 200 in july Remix mag..BUT.. | "timothyconrardy" <tconrardy@...> |
2008-06-27 | RE: [emlsynth] EML 200 in july Remix mag..BUT.. | mm123 ah <mm123ah@...> |
2008-06-27 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 200 in july Remix mag..BUT.. | "Matt Fretton" <matt.fretton@...> |
2008-07-04 | EML101 Restoration and Voltage Processor! | "robert andrew scott" <quiet_channel@...> |
2008-07-23 | EML-101 delayed vibrato patch? | "mfretton" <matt.fretton@...> |
2008-09-25 | ebay eml 200 | "k636akx" <k636akx@...> |
2008-09-26 | Re: [emlsynth] ebay eml 200 | Mike DB <digiboy@...> |
2008-09-27 | Re: ebay eml 200 | "k636akx" <k636akx@...> |
2008-10-18 | Wanted - EML Polybox | "vintagesynths123" <mm123ah@...> |
2008-11-02 | EML 101 patching | "mfretton" <matt.fretton@...> |
2008-11-02 | EML-101 tuning calibration | "mfretton" <matt.fretton@...> |
2008-11-02 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 101 patching | "sascha victoria" <sascha.victoria@...> |
2008-11-02 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 101 patching | Matt <matt.fretton@...> |
2008-11-02 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 101 patching | "sascha victoria" <sascha.victoria@...> |
2008-11-03 | eml 500 pricing | "Mark Rauch" <billbigrig@...> |
2009-01-16 | Saying Hello/ Pitch Bend | "Mark Higley" <higleym@...> |
2009-01-21 | RE: [emlsynth] Saying Hello/ Pitch Bend | <jonhoppe@...> |
2009-02-20 | EML-101 amplitude modulation | Matt <matt.fretton@...> |
2009-02-21 | RE: [emlsynth] EML-101 amplitude modulation | "George Mattson" <axisair@...> |
2009-03-12 | for sale | "k636akx" <k636akx@...> |
2009-03-13 | for sale: questions answered | "k636akx" <k636akx@...> |
2009-03-16 | schematics for the EML-100? | "Carol and Sasha Kipervarg" <sasha@...> |
2009-03-16 | Re: [emlsynth] schematics for the EML-100? | Alaric Vltor <methypnox@...> |
2009-03-16 | RE: [emlsynth] schematics for the EML-100? | Sasha Kipervarg <sasha@...> |
2009-03-21 | EML Electrocomp 500 | "ricky620@..." <ricky620@...> |
2009-03-23 | Re: [emlsynth] EML Electrocomp 500 | bill bigrig <billbigrig@...> |
2009-03-23 | Re: [emlsynth] EML Electrocomp 500 | Mike DB <digiboy@...> |
2009-03-24 | Re: EML Electrocomp 500 | "ricky620@..." <ricky620@...> |
2009-03-24 | Re: EML Electrocomp 500 | "ricky620@..." <ricky620@...> |
2009-03-24 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: EML Electrocomp 500 | Mike DB <digiboy@...> |
2009-03-24 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: EML Electrocomp 500 pot codes | Mike DB <digiboy@...> |
2009-03-24 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: EML Electrocomp 500 | <sprgroups@...> |
2009-03-25 | Re: EML Electrocomp 500 pot codes | "ricky620@..." <ricky620@...> |
2009-04-03 | Re: for sale | "k636akx" <k636akx@...> |
2009-06-03 | Re: [emlsynth] schematics for the EML-100? | rjeancarlo c <vizioso_us@...> |
2009-06-21 | Search ALL Craigslist - Kijiji - Backpage | "destories" <ravetrade@...> |
2009-09-23 | Setting up JKJ CV-4 for EML 101 question | RSchwim295@... |
2009-09-23 | Re: [emlsynth] Setting up JKJ CV-4 for EML 101 question | Mike DB <digiboy@...> |
2009-09-23 | Re: [emlsynth] Setting up JKJ CV-4 for EML 101 question | RSchwim295@... |
2009-09-23 | Re: [emlsynth] Setting up JKJ CV-4 for EML 101 question | sascha victoria <sascha.victoria@...> |
2009-09-24 | Re: [emlsynth] Setting up JKJ CV-4 for EML 101 question | Mike DB <digiboy@...> |
2009-09-28 | Re: Setting up JKJ CV-4 for EML 101 question | "Rob" <rob80b@...> |
2009-10-17 | EML and MIDI | "electrocomp2010" <21centuryman@...> |
2009-10-17 | Re: EML and MIDI | "billbigrig" <billbigrig@...> |
2009-10-17 | Re: [emlsynth] EML and MIDI | Matt <matt.fretton@...> |
2009-10-17 | Re: EML and MIDI | "mike_b_eml" <digiboy@...> |
2009-10-20 | Re: EML and MIDI | "electrocomp2010" <21centuryman@...> |
2009-10-20 | Re: EML and MIDI | "electrocomp2010" <21centuryman@...> |
2009-10-20 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: EML and MIDI | Matt <matt.fretton@...> |
2009-10-20 | Re: EML and MIDI | "oliverchesler" <oliverchesler@...> |
2009-10-20 | Re: EML and MIDI | "electrocomp2010" <21centuryman@...> |
2009-10-20 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: EML and MIDI | Matt <matt.fretton@...> |
2009-10-20 | Re: EML and MIDI | "mike_b_eml" <digiboy@...> |
2009-10-24 | FS: black Polybox | "Chris" <ispeakhopelandic@...> |
2009-10-24 | Re: [emlsynth] FS: black Polybox | RSchwim295@... |
2010-01-13 | My EML MIDI Solutions | "quiet_channel" <quiet_channel@...> |
2010-01-13 | Re: My EML MIDI Solutions | "Rob" <rob80b@...> |
2010-02-10 | spammer deleted | "mike_b_eml" <digiboy@...> |
2010-03-10 | For Sale: EML Electrocomp 500 | "RICHARD" <ricky620@...> |
2010-03-10 | Re: [emlsynth] For Sale: EML Electrocomp 500 | sascha victoria <sascha.victoria@...> |
2010-03-10 | Re: [emlsynth] For Sale: EML Electrocomp 500 | sascha victoria <sascha.victoria@...> |
2010-03-11 | Re: For Sale: EML Electrocomp 500 | "RICHARD" <ricky620@...> |
2010-03-16 | Re: [emlsynth] For Sale: EML Electrocomp 500 | Roman <modular@...> |
2010-03-19 | Re: For Sale: EML Electrocomp 500 | "RICHARD" <ricky620@...> |
2010-03-19 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: For Sale: EML Electrocomp 500 | Domenic Lippolis <lippolis1@...> |
2010-03-20 | Re: For Sale: EML Electrocomp 500 | "RICHARD" <ricky620@...> |
2010-03-23 | EML serial numbers | "mike_b_eml" <digiboy@...> |
2010-04-27 | Doug Slocum Howdy! | "Doug" <dougslocum@...> |
2010-04-27 | Re: Doug Slocum Howdy! | "mirrormutt" <laurie@...> |
2010-06-29 | RE: Hey_ Spammer removed | "mike_b_eml" <digiboy@...> |
2010-07-29 | replace sliders 400/401 | "sonofission" <john@...> |
2010-09-09 | EML 301 Mystery | "methypnox" <methypnox@...> |
2010-09-09 | Re: EML 301 Mystery | "laurie_spiegel" <laurie@...> |
2010-09-10 | Re: EML 301 Mystery | "Doug" <dougslocum@...> |
2010-09-10 | Re: replace sliders 400/401 | "Doug" <dougslocum@...> |
2010-09-10 | Re: Doug Slocum Howdy! | "Doug" <dougslocum@...> |
2010-09-10 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: EML 301 Mystery | Alaric Vltor <methypnox@...> |
2010-09-10 | Re: EML 301 Mystery | "Doug" <dougslocum@...> |
2010-12-01 | new member - 1010 OSC2 question? | "dramirezpa" <dramirezpa@...> |
2010-12-01 | Re: [emlsynth] new member - 1010 OSC2 question? | Matt <matt.fretton@...> |
2010-12-01 | Re: new member - 1010 OSC2 question? | "dramirezpa" <dramirezpa@...> |
2010-12-01 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: new member - 1010 OSC2 question? | Matt <matt.fretton@...> |
2010-12-01 | RE: [emlsynth] Re: new member - 1010 OSC2 question? | "George Mattson" <axisair@...> |
2011-03-02 | EML-200 owners? | mm123 ah <mm123ah@...> |
2011-03-03 | Re: EML-200 owners? | "Doug" <dougslocum@...> |
2011-03-15 | WTB: EML 400 and greeting | ATS <tilghmanstreet@...> |
2011-05-13 | .....hello! eml 200 reverb | "arthurb64" <arthurb64@...> |
2011-05-13 | hello! eml200 reverb | "arthurb64" <arthurb64@...> |
2011-05-13 | FYI I just uploaded a picture | "laurie_spiegel" <laurie@...> |
2011-05-16 | eml200 reverb tank | "Brian Arthur" <arthurb64@...> |
2011-06-22 | EML 101 Glide circuit weirdness? | "steve13dejesus" <sdejesus13@...> |
2011-06-22 | Re: EML 101 Glide circuit weirdness? | "steve13dejesus" <sdejesus13@...> |
2011-06-22 | Re: EML 101 Glide circuit weirdness? | "Doug" <dougslocum@...> |
2011-06-22 | Re: EML 101 Glide circuit weirdness? | "steve13dejesus" <sdejesus13@...> |
2011-07-07 | EML Poly Box for sale on Ebay | "steve13dejesus" <sdejesus13@...> |
2011-07-13 | EML Poly Box relisted with no reserve price | "steve13dejesus" <sdejesus13@...> |
2011-07-19 | converting 1.2 volt/octave to 1 volt/octave | "Nick" <newallianceeast@...> |
2011-07-19 | Re: converting 1.2 volt/octave to 1 volt/octave | Prosper Prodaniuk <prosperp@...> |
2011-07-19 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: converting 1.2 volt/octave to 1 volt/octave | Nick Zampiello <newallianceeast@...> |
2011-07-19 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: converting 1.2 volt/octave to 1 volt/octave | Prosper Prodaniuk <prosperp@...> |
2011-07-19 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: converting 1.2 volt/octave to 1 volt/octave | Nick Zampiello <newallianceeast@...> |
2011-07-21 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: converting 1.2 volt/octave to 1 volt/octave | <sprgroups@...> |
2011-07-21 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: converting 1.2 volt/octave to 1 volt/octave | Nick Zampiello <newallianceeast@...> |
2011-07-21 | RE: [emlsynth] Re: converting 1.2 volt/octave to 1 volt/octave | "George Mattson" <axisair@...> |
2011-07-21 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: converting 1.2 volt/octave to 1 volt/octave | Nick Zampiello <newallianceeast@...> |
2011-07-29 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: converting 1.2 volt/octave to 1 volt/octave | rjeancarlo c <vizioso_us@...> |
2011-07-31 | Re: [emlsynth] Digest Number 315 | <brianfolkes@...> |
2011-08-04 | Re: converting 1.2 volt/octave to 1 volt/octave | "Boddington" <f115@...> |
2011-08-12 | Electrocomp-101 with a Doepfer Dark Time? | "Oliver Chesler" <oliverchesler@...> |
2011-08-12 | Re: [emlsynth] Electrocomp-101 with a Doepfer Dark Time? | Matt <matt.fretton@...> |
2011-08-12 | Re: Electrocomp-101 with a Doepfer Dark Time? | "Oliver Chesler" <oliverchesler@...> |
2011-08-12 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: Electrocomp-101 with a Doepfer Dark Time? | Matt <matt.fretton@...> |
2011-08-12 | Re: Electrocomp-101 with a Doepfer Dark Time? | "Doug" <dougslocum@...> |
2011-08-13 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: Electrocomp-101 with a Doepfer Dark Time? | Matt <matt.fretton@...> |
2011-08-18 | How do you use the EML Envelope Follower? (lil yellow box) | "ukrainiannproud" <prosperp@...> |
2011-08-18 | Re: How do you use the EML Envelope Follower? (lil yellow box) | "Doug" <dougslocum@...> |
2011-08-18 | Re: How do you use the EML Envelope Follower? (lil yellow box) | "ukrainiannproud" <prosperp@...> |
2011-08-18 | RE: [emlsynth] Re: How do you use the EML Envelope Follower? (lil yellow box) | "George Mattson" <axisair@...> |
2011-08-18 | RE: [emlsynth] Re: How do you use the EML Envelope Follower? (lil yellow box) | Prosper Prodaniuk <prosperp@...> |
2011-08-18 | Re: How do you use the EML Envelope Follower? (lil yellow box) | "Doug" <dougslocum@...> |
2011-08-19 | RE: [emlsynth] Re: How do you use the EML Envelope Follower? (lil yellow box) | "George Mattson" <axisair@...> |
2011-08-19 | EML 500 Help | "van_m_santos" <van.santos@...> |
2011-08-24 | Re: EML 500 Help | "laurie_spiegel" <laurie@...> |
2011-08-24 | Re: EML 500 Help | "laurie_spiegel" <laurie@...> |
2011-08-24 | Re: EML 500 Help | Van Santos <van.santos@...> |
2011-08-29 | Syn-Key Questions | "Boddington" <f115@...> |
2011-09-18 | EML 200 faceplate screws | "Brian Arthur" <brianarthur2@...> |
2011-09-18 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 200 faceplate screws | Nick Zampiello <newallianceeast@...> |
2011-09-18 | RE: [emlsynth] EML 200 faceplate screws | brian arthur <brianarthur2@...> |
2011-09-24 | 200 PATCHING TIPS? | "Brian Arthur" <brianarthur2@...> |
2011-09-26 | Re: converting 1.2 volt/octave to 1 volt/octave | "Rob" <rob80b@...> |
2011-10-09 | Eml 200 power supply | "goaqihai" <goaqihai@...> |
2011-10-09 | RE: [emlsynth] Eml 200 power supply | "George Mattson" <axisair@...> |
2011-10-10 | Re: [emlsynth] Eml 200 power supply | ganesha <goaqihai@...> |
2011-10-21 | WTB: EML Electrocomp 101 | "o_23_o" <thomas.fang@...> |
2011-10-25 | cleaning silver face panels | "Brian Arthur" <brianarthur2@...> |
2011-10-25 | Re: cleaning silver face panels | "Doug" <dougslocum@...> |
2011-11-01 | EML 101 Keyboard Socket | "Boddington" <f115@...> |
2011-11-01 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 101 Keyboard Socket | Nick Zampiello <newallianceeast@...> |
2011-11-01 | Re: EML 101 Keyboard Socket | "Boddington" <f115@...> |
2011-11-02 | Re: EML500 filter resonance | bill bigrig <billbigrig@...> |
2011-11-02 | RE: [emlsynth] Re: EML500 filter resonance | "George Mattson" <axisair@...> |
2011-11-02 | RE: [emlsynth] Re: EML500 filter resonance | bill bigrig <billbigrig@...> |
2011-11-02 | RE: [emlsynth] Re: EML500 filter resonance | "George Mattson" <axisair@...> |
2011-11-02 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: EML500 filter resonance | bill bigrig <billbigrig@...> |
2011-11-05 | mimic center tapped pots in EML electrocomp101 | ganesha <goaqihai@...> |
2011-11-05 | Re: mimic center tapped pots in EML electrocomp101 | "Doug" <dougslocum@...> |
2011-11-05 | Re: mimic center tapped pots in EML electrocomp101 | "Doug" <dougslocum@...> |
2011-11-05 | RE: [emlsynth] Re: mimic center tapped pots in EML electrocomp101 | "George Mattson" <axisair@...> |
2011-11-16 | Re: mimic center tapped pots in EML electrocomp101 | "acousmatique" <acousmatique@...> |
2011-12-17 | WTB: EML 400/401 | "goaqihai" <goaqihai@...> |
2012-02-22 | EML 101 meets Moog Voyager | "Steve" <stevesciulli@...> |
2012-03-07 | Very nice EML content | "Steve" <stevesciulli@...> |
2012-03-07 | RE: [emlsynth] Very nice EML content | brian arthur <brianarthur2@...> |
2012-03-08 | New Soft Synth version of the EML 200 | "Steve" <stevesciulli@...> |
2012-03-08 | Flickr photo's | "Steve" <stevesciulli@...> |
2012-03-08 | Re: [emlsynth] Very nice EML content | ganesha <goaqihai@...> |
2012-03-09 | Re: [emlsynth] New Soft Synth version of the EML 200 | "Mr. Fang" <thomas.fang@...> |
2012-03-11 | EMW 200 and EML side by side. | "Steve" <stevesciulli@...> |
2012-03-14 | Re: WTB: EML 400/401 | "goaqihai" <goaqihai@...> |
2012-03-21 | Re: EMW 200 and EML side by side. | "electrocomp2010" <21centuryman@...> |
2012-03-21 | Re: EMW 200 and EML side by side. | Prosper Prodaniuk <prosperp@...> |
2012-03-21 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: EMW 200 and EML side by side. | "Mr. Fang" <thomas.fang@...> |
2012-03-21 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: EMW 200 and EML side by side. | Nick Zampiello <newallianceeast@...> |
2012-03-21 | Re: EMW 200 and EML side by side. | "electrocomp2010" <21centuryman@...> |
2012-03-21 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: EMW 200 and EML side by side. | "Mr. Fang" <thomas.fang@...> |
2012-03-22 | Re: EMW 200 and EML side by side. | "RicknMel" <ricknmel@...> |
2012-03-23 | Re: EMW 200 and EML side by side. | "Doug" <dougslocum@...> |
2012-03-23 | Re: EMW 200 and EML side by side. | "laurie_spiegel" <laurie@...> |
2012-03-23 | EML 200 about to be heard far and wide (even if only just a little) | "laurie_spiegel" <laurie@...> |
2012-03-23 | RE: [emlsynth] EML 200 about to be heard far and wide (even if only just a little) | brian arthur <brianarthur2@...> |
2012-03-31 | Re: EML 200 about to be heard far and wide (even if only just a little) | "laurie_spiegel" <laurie@...> |
2012-05-31 | EML 101 Rotary Swtiches | "andrewgrypa2002" <agrypa@...> |
2012-06-03 | Want to buy: knob for EML 101 | "Brian Arthur" <brianarthur2@...> |
2012-06-04 | Re: EML 200 about to be heard far and wide (even if only just a little) | "Boddington" <f115@...> |
2012-07-04 | EML Electrocomp 101 & EMS VCS3 summer romance | "Mr. Fang" <thomas.fang@...> |
2012-08-04 | What the? | "Brian Arthur" <brianarthur2@...> |
2012-08-04 | Re: [emlsynth] What the? | Mike DB <digiboy@...> |
2012-08-04 | Re: [emlsynth] What the? | Prosper Prodaniuk <prosperp@...> |
2012-08-06 | Re: [emlsynth] What the? | bill bigrig <billbigrig@...> |
2012-08-08 | I need a new roof! | "Kyhotay" <brianfolkes@...> |
2012-08-08 | Re: [emlsynth] I need a new roof! | "Mr. Fang" <thomas.fang@...> |
2012-08-08 | Re: I need a new roof! | Brian Folkes <brianfolkes@...> |
2012-08-08 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: I need a new roof! | "Mr. Fang" <thomas.fang@...> |
2012-10-02 | EML diy | "nathan.siter" <nathan.siter@...> |
2013-02-18 | Re: EML diy | "jondent@..." <jondent808@...> |
2013-02-18 | Re: EML diy | "goaqihai" <goaqihai@...> |
2013-02-18 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: EML diy | Nathan Siter <nathan.siter@...> |
2013-02-18 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: EML diy | Nick Zampiello <newallianceeast@...> |
2013-03-24 | Improving the eml-101 envelopes | "plutoniq9" <Plutonique9@...> |
2013-06-09 | EML 200 reverb help!! | "Brian Arthur" <brianarthur2@...> |
2013-06-09 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 200 reverb help!! | Nick Zampiello <newallianceeast@...> |
2013-06-09 | RE: [emlsynth] EML 200 reverb help!! [2 Attachments] | brian arthur <brianarthur2@...> |
2014-10-04 | EML 400-401 replacement slider knobs | dougslocum@... |
2014-10-04 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 400-401 replacement slider knobs | "George" <axisair@...> |
2014-11-12 | Correct or Incorrect - EML 100 OSC 3 waves? | zaum@... |
2014-11-12 | RE: [emlsynth] Correct or Incorrect - EML 100 OSC 3 waves? | "Pete" <twentyamptwist@...> |
2014-11-13 | RE: [emlsynth] Correct or Incorrect - EML 100 OSC 3 waves? | zaum@... |
2015-02-17 | EML 200 pot replacement | "Mr. Fang" <thomas.fang@...> |
2015-02-17 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 200 pot replacement | bill bigrig <billbigrig@...> |
2015-02-17 | RE: [emlsynth] EML 200 pot replacement | "Pete" <twentyamptwist@...> |
2015-02-20 | Re: EML 200 pot replacement | "Mr. Fang" <thomas.fang@...> |
2015-02-20 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: EML 200 pot replacement | Nick Zampiello <newallianceeast@...> |
2015-02-22 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: EML 200 pot replacement | bill bigrig <billbigrig@...> |
2015-02-22 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: EML 200 pot replacement | bill bigrig <billbigrig@...> |
2015-03-13 | EML 500 documentation | lippolis1@... |
2015-03-13 | Re: EML 500 documentation | bill bigrig <billbigrig@...> |
2015-03-14 | Re: EML 500 documentation | bill bigrig <billbigrig@...> |
2015-03-14 | Re: EML 500 documentation | lippolis1@... |
2015-03-15 | [emlsynth] Re: EML 500 documentation | Laurie Spiegel <laurie@...> |
2015-03-20 | EML 200 electronic switch | klosmon@... |
2015-03-20 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 200 electronic switch | Nick Zampiello <newallianceeast@...> |
2015-03-20 | RE: [emlsynth] EML 200 electronic switch | "George Mattson" <axisair@...> |
2015-03-20 | Re: [emlsynth] EML 200 electronic switch | klosmon <klosmon@...> |
2018-11-18 | Todd Barton- EMS VCS3 and EML 200 | brianarthur2@... |
2018-11-19 | Re: [emlsynth] Todd Barton- EMS VCS3 and EML 200 | Jon Dent <jondent808@...> |
2018-11-19 | Re: Todd Barton- EMS VCS3 and EML 200 | Jon Hoppe <jonhoppe@...> |
2018-11-20 | Re: [emlsynth] Todd Barton- EMS VCS3 and EML 200 | brianarthur2@... |
2018-11-20 | Re: [emlsynth] Todd Barton- EMS VCS3 and EML 200 | Jon Dent <jondent808@...> |
2019-10-26 | Yahoo groups going | brianarthur2@... |
2019-10-27 | Re: Yahoo groups going | laurie@... |
2019-10-27 | Re: Yahoo groups going | laurie@... |
2019-10-27 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: Yahoo groups going | brian arthur <brianarthur2@...> |
2019-10-27 | Re: [emlsynth] Yahoo groups going | "tim@..." <tim@...> |
2019-10-27 | Re: Yahoo groups going | dougslocum@... |
2019-10-28 | Re: [emlsynth] Re: Yahoo groups going | Jon Hoppe <jonhoppe@...> |