Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: Discussion about the Korg PolySix synthesizer

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Subject: Re: Temperature of YOUR Polysix?

From: "chipaudette" <>
Date: 2013-07-09

Thanks for the mention of the keyboard's apparent support for the original MIDI retrofit. My own concern stems from the sheer number of components that I'm adding. Already, I've added the electronics equivalent of two MIDI kits. If I move ahead with adding my six wavetable oscillators, it'll be like adding six more. With all this added stuff, I think that I've got the potential to be taxing the system pretty hard if I'm not careful.

I'm asking here about the temperature of the stock keyboard so that i can assess the risk with my existing mods and with my new mods.

Thanks for your interest!


--- In, Malte Rogacki <gacki@...> wrote:
> The stock power supply was able to power the original Korg MIDI retrofit so
> I guess there will be some kind of power reserve.