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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Favorite Tape Frame (lengthy)

From: "Mattias" <>
Date: 2007-12-18

Hi !
I am also on the verge of getting new frames though something tells me our choices might differ somewhat. There are so many great sounds...I used to have my tapes in my cellar and just out layness we always used the frame that was in the Mellotron at the time (in this case for about a year) oboe/viola/clarinet. Especially the Viola has a lot of character and vibrato that livens up other strings. 
The Mellotron Viola
The choirs are obiviously great but not necessarily your best allround sound. I think the Boys choir is my favorite as it isn't too over the top.The vibes are really great as well as the wineglasses if your are going for weirder stuff.
The Boys Choir
Another sound that is a bit extreme but that I have used quite a lot as well is the Chamberlin solo female voice
My latest frame had the Chamberlin steel guitar, Mandolin tremeloes and swinging flutes. Not for everyone but I use it now and then. The Tremeloes are especially really cool as when you doubletrack them you can get a very cool fluttering effect, a bit like the strings but way cooler...
Mandolin tremeloes
In the end it boils down to what kind of music you make and how you use your Mellotron. I have a fair amount of tapes and frames in the studio but people generally want the old (and in my opinion boring) classics. 
Because otherwise you can't hear it's a Mellotron now can you ?
My favorite Mellotron frame...
Timpani rolls & Chamberlin solo female voice/Boys choir/moving violins and Celloes
Try the Timpani rolls.
Mattias Olsson
Roth Händle Studios, Stockholm
----- Original Message -----
From: Bruce Daily
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 8:10 AM
Subject: [newmellotrongroup] Favorite Tape Frame

Hi, all-

Happy Holidays!

After refurbishing the mechanics & electronics on
ol' #1221, I am satisfied it isn't going to blow up.
In fact, it works pretty well (By the way, many thanks
to Frank Stickle, Jery Korb, and others for much
advice & help, I am very grateful).

It's time to consider another tape frame for the
beastie. I have the classic Flute/3 Violins/'Cello
frame, which runs well for now. Thought I would poll
everyone, and find out what your favorite 2nd (or,
3rd) frame voicing might be, and why. I would think
this question has probably been asked a few times in
the past, before I joined the group last March.

Thanks again-

Bruce Daily

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